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Responses: Improving Forensic Science

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Responses: Improving Forensic Science

Response one

Indeed, there is a great need for improvement in forensic science and law enforcement departments. I support your approach toward improving these departments through research, advancement, testing, and assessment process. I would suggest that the forensic labs be independent of law enforcement departments. The independence of these labs promotes agility and transparency (Balko, 2019). It is important to note that sometimes there can be police biasness on the reports and research done by forensic labs when the two departments are merged as one.

Response two

Undoubtedly, the enhancements and regulations that have been made on forensic science disciplines are quite noticeable and clear. It is important to note that, apart from laboratory independence and standard-setting, these forensic facilities need to be funded, to incorporate the emerging AI technologies that will enhance reliability and transparency (Morgan, 2019). I suggest that forensic disciplines distinguish between subjective and scientific evidence through research (Balko, 2019). Evidence involving fingerprints and firearm tracking is more comparative than scientific evidence than laboratory-based analyses such as nuclear DNA analysis.


Balko, R. (2019, August 26). Opinion | How do we improve forensics? Retrieved from

Morgan, R. (2019, September 12). Why forensic science is in crisis and how we can fix it. Retrieved from


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