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Chinese culture for centuries

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Chinese culture for centuries

Sinophone is a term that is typically used to describe a world or aspect as Chinese-speaking. For that reason, Sinophone movies are the films in which the primary language is Chinese. This term is also used to describe people that speak in Chinese that are outside mainland China. Chinese-speaking films are designed in such a way that they contain many characteristics that are not in other movies (Audrey & Olivia 2012). These characteristics are mainly caused by the culture of the people, which differs from many other nations. One example of a Sinophone film is Drunken Master, which features Jackie Chan as the main character and starring. This film, which was produced in Hong Kong in 1978, has many features of Sinophone film nature. This paper will describe many of the characteristics of Sinophone films relative to Drunken Master.

Chinese have been faithful to their culture for centuries. Most of the films produced by the Chinese show great features that symbolize their cultural heritage. It is also important to mention that most of the movies produced in Chinese have great concepts from the Chinese four classic novels. These novels are great contributors to Chinese history and culture. They contain plenty of resources that guide the Chinese in their ancient culture. These books can be compared to the works of Shakespeare in dispensing knowledge and information to the readers. The four novels are Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Dream of the Red Chamber, Journey to the West, and The Water Margin. From these four novels, many known Kung fu masters are featured, which has sparked a significant influence in the movies that have been produced in the past concerning these masters. The Drunken Master is one of the films which feature a Kung fu teacher called Beggar So. This Master’s way of life matches that of the many Kung fu masters’ who had lived before him. This film has a great representation of Chinese culture, like many other movies.

Martial arts, as another great feature, is seen in most of the Chinese films. Martial arts, also known as Kung fu is a Chinese series of fighting styles that have been developed over a long historical period in China. Kung fu is one of the ways of representing Sinophone films. In the Drunken Master movie, martial arts are highly applied to show the cultural practices of Chinese people. In the film, Kung fu is like a way of life. In the real world, Kung fu is taken seriously and has been passed down on many generations in China as a means of preserving their cultural heritage. Kung fu in the Drunken Master is the main form of fighting, but the only difference is the Master teaches this style while drunk. Once Wong Fei-Hung (Jackie Chan) masters the skill, he can also fight his enemies better after taking wine. This is a style that later becomes a great skill for defense against his enemies.

There is a distinctive feature with most Chinese heroes in movies. A hero is a person that is admired in the society for his/her abilities and character. In the American film culture, most heroes are depicted to have superpowers like flying or massive strength. These features give credit to heroes like Spiderman, Batman, and Captain America. These are icons in the American film industries that have given rise to many other films depicting the same feature. In most Sinophone films like the Drunken Master, the heroes are depicted as Kung fu masters and great fighters. In these films, heroes are portrayed to have characteristics of normal people with excellent skills that protect them from any danger (Song, 2016). Their heroes usually interact with people and are respected in the society. In the Drunken Master, Beggar So is a drunkard, and one would not tell that he is a Kung fu master. However, he has mastered the art of Kung fu well to teach Wong and enable him to make great victories. More so, the Master is a simple man who drinks like any other man in the community. What distinguishes the great Kung fu master from the rest is his skills in fighting and relating well with people.

People described as heroes in Chinese movies also show great courage and persistence in their pursuits. In Drunken Master, young Wong shows a lot of courage and perseverance despite the toughness of the training that the Master puts him through. He follows diligently without despair since he understands the importance of learning a great skill. He understands that Martial arts will help him in many life skills other than fighting. There are many skills of the mind that one learns through Martial arts other than just fighting. These are skills that later help a student like Wong become conscious when relating to people and make the right judgments and decisions. The skill has helped Wong grow physically as well as emotionally. Once these skills have been achieved, the person uses these skills to fight evil people. According to Chinese culture, evil people are those that disrupt the peace of the people or cause pain and suffering in society.

One significant aspect seen in most Chinese movies is that once a person has learned these excellent fighting skills, they are supposed to use them wisely in the protection of the poor and the less-privileged in the society. A Kung fu student is advised against using his skills to oppress the others but only for their defense and protection of the weak people. This has made such skills such as Kung fu and Tai Chi popular in most Chinese films. In China, fighting is an excellent skill for the culture since one does not require any weapon to fight their enemies. If weapons are needed, they use swords and not automatic guns like most western countries like America. Swords and other simple weapons have been great symbols of Chinese culture. Many people have used swords in other countries but cannot be compared with the symbolic significance it holds for the Chinese culture. Most Chinese movies, therefore, have swords as a type of weapon against enemies.

In many Sinophone films, Chinese landscape painting is yet another excellent means of representation of culture (Song, 2016). Landscape painting has been seen as an excellent means of representing culture since it has existed in Chinese history for many centuries. In many western countries, Chinese landscape paintings are portrayed as a perfect means of representing Chinese culture and way of life. Many Western filmmakers have made it a habit to include these paintings in their movies to show Chinese art. Art in Chinese history is an integral part of society. One of the many reasons why art is important is because it has made it possible for people to connect and relate well with one another. More so, art has been seen as a great way of boosting creativity and preserving the culture of the Chinese people. Art has existed for many centuries in the Chinese community and has been passed down on many generations. Art has also been included in the curriculum of all schools that teach Chinese for them to keep the culture. In the Drunken Master, there is a depiction of art in the houses shown in the film. This indicates that Chinese hold art dear and pass it down generations. Art has, therefore, been shown in many movies and still continues to be iconic in Chinese culture.

Food is an excellent representation of culture. Most Sinophone films have shown great interest in showing Chinese foods in most of their movies. In the Drunken Master, the aspect of food is clearly demonstrated in several instances. There are scenes where Wong is seen eating chicken, rice, and other Chinese delicacies (Audrey & Olivia 2012). To the Chinese culture, food is integral and should be available for everyone in society. More so, most Chinese marketplaces have many different kinds of foods that have been displayed for people to buy. More so, food is essential in the home setting, where most families have foods to welcome their guests whenever they visit. Many Chinese foods are made up of different plant-based ingredients like rice and pasta, as well as other seafood like fish and crabs.

Respect and dignity are virtues that are highly portrayed in most Sinophone films. Mostly, the respect is directed towards the elderly. These movies show sons and daughters that respect and trust the elderly, especially their parents (Song, 2016). It is, therefore, easy to find that people usually follow their seniors’ advice without question. Sometimes, the directives could be based on making hard decisions that may lead to risking life and valuable things. However, the young generation follows what their seniors command since they believe that they are always looking up for them. Despite the harsh conditions that they may go through, they trust the process and believe that something good will eventually come out of the experience. This feature is seen in most Kung fu movies as the students follow the Master’s instructions despite the difficulties they experience. Wong has great respect for Master So and will do anything that he instructs. This respect has been shown in many Sinophone movies, which is a good way of showing the Chinese culture of respect for elderly people.

The Chinese have used herbs for medicinal purposes for many centuries. In most Sinophone films, the aspect of Chinese cultures is shown with other interventions from the Chinese diasporas. The use of herbs is one aspect of Chinese people that has been portrayed in many movies. People with the knowledge of herbs have always been seen as great heroes in societies and continue receiving praise for the great works that they do for the people. Most Chinese cultures have used herbs for many years to heal different diseases. They have also used herbs for cleansing purposes, making it hard for them to contract certain diseases. In the Drunken Master, Beggar So is seen using herbs to heal himself and other people from different ailments and injuries. This practice has been passed down for many years, and people with this unique gift are highly respected in the community. Most Sinophone films have maintained the Chinese culture of using herbs in their recent films.

In most Sinophone films, there is a blend of capitalisms and socialism aspects of life among the people. Most socialist forms of living are seen in movies where people live in close relationships with one another in communities (Audrey & Olivia 2012). Such films are full of role-playing that is common for people living in remote areas. Communism has been in Chinese culture for many years. Capitalism is seen in the films where markets are flooded by items and traders. These items include household and food supplies, among others. In the Drunken Master, the concept is well displayed by having a community setting as well as a market one.

Indeed, Sinophone films are many and have made significant impacts on film production industries. The sinophonic films show different aspects of Chinese culture and heritage in the Chinese diasporas like Hong Kong and Taiwan. These are cities where the Chinese may not be the primary language but still used in the films. The films are comprised of different Chinese cultural representations as well as borrowed ways of living. Some of the main Chinese cultural activities displayed in the movie are Kung fu and other martial arts, as well as the use of art. Art is mainly portrayed in the form of paintings and carvings. Martial arts are an essential practice in Chinese culture due to the many historical benefits tied to it. Drunken Master as a Sinophone film, therefore, has many characteristics of Chineseness.

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