8 Helpful Kitten Training Tips for Beginners
A general assumption that people have about kittens is that they are untrainable. However, if you are planning to get a kitten in the household for the first time, you need to know that this assumption is absolutely wrong. Cats are highly intelligent beings, and they can be taught a number of behaviors. In fact, it’s a lot like bringing up kids. When you give them proper training and care while they’re young, they grow up to be well-adjusted and healthy adults.
So, if you have brought a kitten home for the first time, here are eight tips that will help you in training the cute little furball.
- Teaching your kitten to sit on your command
Training your kitten can start by teaching her a simple behavior like sitting down when commanded. Right after you ask your kitten to sit, you can use a clicker or voice commands like ‘yes’ and ‘good job’ just the moment her bottom hits the ground to sit. As soon as she sits, bring out her reward, like canned cat food or tuna on a spoon. If the kitten tries to stand up on her hind feet to get the reward, move the spoon away to show her that she needs to sit as you commanded.
- Training your kitten to use the bed and the crate
Getting the most comfortable cat beds will only mean something when you can actually train your kitten to use it. The same thing applies to crates, as you’ll have a lot of trouble traveling with a cat that does not want to be in a crate. So, be it the bed or the crate, you can try leaving the meals on it or inside it at times. Let the kitten freely use this space so that she learns to enjoy it.
- Developing socialization skills in the kittens
Kittens have their prime socialization period between 2-7 weeks of age. If you don’t let your kitten socialize with other kittens, animals, or people, you’re just raising a cat who is going to get nervous with the slightest change in the environment. So, invite people over to the house and let them meet your little bundle of joy or use a leash and take her out to the farmer’s market. Fill each of these experiences with toys and treats to ease her into it.
- Teaching the right playing techniques
Kittens have way too much energy, and playing with them is the only way for you to bond with her and also let her use that energy in a good way. However, you shouldn’t ever allow roughness while playing because she needs to know that it’s never okay to use her claws and teeth on your skin. You should use toys to play with her to teach her good behavior. Get a ball, a catnip, or even just feathers on a stick, and let her play.
- Handling your kitten in a number of ways
Your kitten will not always be held in the positions that she likes. For instance, she’ll have to be taken to the vet’s office, or maybe your nephew can come visiting. So, hold her in different ways to get her used to it: on her sides, on her back, or under her arms with her bottom dangling. Touch her other body parts, like ears and feet, and even her gums and teeth. Being used to getting handled in different ways as a kitten will make it easier to clean her ears or brush her teeth as she grows up.
- Training your kitten to use the litter box
Usually, all you need to do is to simply place your kitten inside the litter box to show her where it is. Cats actually want to do it in the litter boxes, so it shouldn’t be a problem. However, if you are finding it difficult to train her, just sit and hold your cat on the litter box for some time. Let her paw the litter and get used to the environment. You’re simply trying to trigger her natural instincts of scraping up and covering her feces after doing her business.
- Never feed a kitten from the dinner table
You must be already aware that many of the common foods that we have are unsuitable to the kittens, like raisins, grapes, chocolates, garlic, and onions. But, that is not the only reason why you shouldn’t feed a kitten from the dinner table. Feeding her from your table will make her come clambering around each time you sit down to have food. It isn’t a healthy eating habit or good behavior because she should only have her separate food at proper intervals.
- Training a kitten to come when called
It’s a great thing to have your kitten come to you when called, but training her for it will need some time and effort. Make sure you don’t call her with something common like her name because then, every time she hears the word, she’ll think you’re calling her. You wouldn’t want her to come running when you say ‘Kitty is so cute.’ Use the clicker to signal her along with using an uncommon term (for instance, ‘hey precious’). Reward her when she responds to your call.
So, that’s it! You now have all the basic tips you need to train your little bundle of joy. Start implementing these tricks without further ado.