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Pick either topic. Doesn′t matter to me. Paper/Project Preparation:All papers/projects will follow APA 6 (2010) style and format. Double-space the manusсrіpt and use the 12-pt plain font Times New Roman. Format the paper with margins of 1″ on all four sides. Include a title page with a running head, page header,and insert page numbers in the upper right corner. Please follow the example of a title page in the APA (2010) manual. The analysis paper and projects willend with a separate reference page. Please follow the references examples in the APA manual. Citation Requirements for Papers/Projects: The analysis needs to reflect your original insights and perceptions and include 4-5 in-text citations that willconnect your discussion points to your references. Format the in text citations according to APA (2010) style and format. When you connect your discussion points and examples to your references, paraphrase another author′s work with citation, or include short quotations for which you provide the correct citation with pagination. Therefore, the majority of each paragraph will include more than just quotes of another author’s work. The length of the text excludes the title and references pages. References for Papers/Projects: The analysis paper and WEHR/CRIP project references must include the course text and a minimum of at least four (4) additional references from academic sources such as journals, books,and academic online sources inAPA 6 (2010) style and format. APA 6 requires in text citations of every reference. Please note: Wikipedia. Endnotes, or similar online websites,and abstracts of articles are not appropriate sources for this level of writing. Revision and RPick either topic. Doesn′t matter to me. Paper/Project Preparation:All papers/projects will follow APA 6 (2010) style and format. Double-space the manusсrіpt and use the 12-pt plain font Times New Roman. Format the paper with margins of 1″ on all four sides. Include a title page with a running head, page header,and insert page numbers in the upper right corner. Please follow the example of a title page in the APA (2010) manual. The analysis paper and projects willend with a separate reference page. Please follow the references examples in the APA manual. Citation Requirements for Papers/Projects: The analysis needs to reflect your original insights and perceptions and include 4-5 in-text citations that willconnect your discussion points to your references. Format the in text citations according to APA (2010) style and format. When you connect your discussion points and examples to your references, paraphrase another author′s work with citation, or include short quotations for which you provide the correct citation with pagination. Therefore, the majority of each paragraph will include more than just quotes of another author’s work. The length of the text excludes the title and references pages. References for Papers/Projects: The analysis paper and WEHR/CRIP project references must include the course text and a minimum of at least four (4) additional references from academic sources such as journals, books,and academic online sources inAPA 6 (2010) style and format. APA 6 requires in text citations of every reference. Please note: Wikipedia. Endnotes, or similar online websites,and abstracts of articles are not appropriate sources for this level of writing. Revision and R

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