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The field of industrial relations

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Discussion post 1

Many of your peers may argue that the field of industrial relations is dead and that, it has no relevance to today’s youth; I’m afraid I have to disagree with this statement.  Today, the term industrial relation is not dead but has become loose and imprecise in various situations. The term is related to Anglo Saxon literature; however, in recent times in European industrial relation systems, other terms like new productions systems are preferable to industrial relations. However, it does not mean that industrial relations are dead; as a matter of fact, it is still functional; it’s only the name that has changed to fit the current terminologies.  And this concept involves all aspects that the ideas seek s to portray. That is, a large group of human resource activities and industrial relations which became popular in the eighties and the nineties. These new concepts are also known as innovative ideas, and they involve representative leadership, performance management, and new technological systems that value and productivity potential. In the long run, these practices define direct employee involvement, management, and productivity. All in all, those who are interested in new industrial relations will consider the impacts of innovative ideologies on workplaces and productivity. The primary themes of industrial relations; especially in the wake of world war were related to how developed economies could have led to a productive relationship between the industrial control system and the primary workforce. Secondly, how a wide range of income policies can be used to contain industrial conflict and how employers and organizations can respond to the assertive needs of various trade unions.  Industrial relations is not dead, and it is the terms and concepts that have developed to fit the highly volatile organizational environment.

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