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Electoral College against the Popular Vote

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Electoral College against the Popular Vote

Five times in the history of the US elections have created a discrepancy between the Electoral College and the winner of the popular vote. In the presidential election that was held in 1824, popular votes was significantly considered in determining the US president. During the elections, 18 states preferred popular vote but 6 states depended on the decisions that would be made by the respective state legislatures. After the tallying of the final votes, Andrew Jackson had 152, 901 popular votes while John Quincy Adams won 114, 023 votes. Henry Clay received 47, 217 votes while William Crawford had 46, 979 votes. The returns produced by the Electoral College indicated that Jackson won 99 votes that was less by 32 votes he required to have the significant portion of the total casted votes. The results also indicated that 84 votes were won by Adams while Crawford received 41 votes. After the meeting of Electoral College on December, it was reported that Clay won 37 votes. Despite having 84 votes, he was declared as the winner by the House of Representatives resulting to resentment for Jackson himself and his supporters.

The election of Rutherford Hayes in 1876 was another controversial election in the US. The popular voted indicated that Samuel Tilden won 4, 288, 546 votes while Hayes had 4, 034, 311 votes. Even though Tilden received more popular votes than Hayes, he lost the election. After the votes were counted the first time, it was reported that Tilden had received 184 votes compared to 165 votes won by Hayes with the number of unresolved votes standing at 20. The disputed voted originated from South Carolina, Florida, Oregon, and Louisiana. In 1877, the electoral commission was formed to resolve the dispute that related to the 20 votes where a resolution was made to award the votes to Hayes.

The 1888 US election was also faced with controversy when Benjamin Harrison was elected as the president. During this election, Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison, the incumbent head of state and a former senator in the US were the key competitors. Even though Harrison received 90, 596 less votes than Cleveland, the US economy was seen as prosperous and people related peacefully. The result of the election indicated that Cleveland received 168 votes while Harrison had 233 votes. During the campaign, tariff policy was the key issue. While Harrison supported factory employees and industrialists who indicated that tariffs should be high, Cleveland was against high tariffs since they would disadvantage the customers. Cleveland also opposed to Civil War pensions but he was strongly supported the South states. On his part, Harrison was significantly supported in the whole of North and Midwest regions and won votes from Indiana and New York by 1%.

The election of George W. Bush in 2000 also indicated discrepancies in the US election. The major competitors during that election was Bush and Al Gore, the governor of Texas and the vice president of the US. The results indicated that Gore had 543, 895 votes that represented approximately 0.51 of the total votes cast. The voting in Florida was a major issue. In this state, Bush margin of vestry was based on 537 votes. This was followed recounts from various states that made the US Supreme Court to spearhead the litigation. Even though the court indicated that Bush was the winner, conflicting opinions emerged since according to national votes, Bush had 50, 546, 002 votes while Gore won 50, 999, 897 votes.

In 2016 US election, the main competitors were Donal Trump and Hilary Clinton. The polls that were held before the election indicated that Clinton would win with estimates indicating that she would win with over 70 votes casted. The Electoral College results indicated that Trump won 304 votes while Clinton received 227 votes. The popular vote indicated that Clinton had 2.1% more votes than Trump. According to Trump, unauthorized immigrants made him to lose most votes under the popular vote. The debunked claim by trump was made during his meetings with congress in addition to the speeches that he made in 2018.









Results of 2016 US presidential election. Retrieved from;+election+in+the+US+CHART&sxsrf=ALeKk02JZ1oJH6XTqJmtpdaYdx3HmVeEEQ:1590330946914&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=IulhW3LWHJgs_M%253A%252C-g0B1vZukFCc5M%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kSH9_Pm-FsLoBl1BwuUJxJeYOjrNg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJ3Km53MzpAhVGzBoKHco2CqAQ9QEwA3oECAoQCw#imgrc=IulhW3LWHJgs_M:


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