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Creative people

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Creative people

Artist is at some time referred to as creative people. Perhaps this may due to having come up with new ideas to problems that were thought to be creative. Maybe being in class and interpreted some piece work and the tutor applauds the contribution being from a different perspective. Creativity emerges from varied situations. In this paper, se seek to discuss a case study of jane a young girl who inspired to be a pilot in a male-dominated field.

From childhood, jane aspired to be a pilot. However, her parents discouraged her as only boys with beards were allowed to become pirates. Realizing that she could never grow a beard, she came up with the idea of developing some from a butterfly. This became possible and went forward to the shipowner with the beards she made from the butterfly. On seeing her shipowner was very pleased and allowed her in the ship. From this, we can see that Jane was very brave and creative. She later became a very successful pirate, outshining boys who had dominated this field.

Simply put, creativity involves a transformation of ideas or imaginations into reality. When creative Jane could see hidden patterns and made connections between unrelated contexts. Which in this case was coming up with handmade beards? The ability to be creative depends on creative thinking, a part of hard work but in a great way creative problem-solving. Jane’s case study is full of encouragement to people across generations. Though a female she manoeuvred and succeeded in the male-dominated field of becoming a pirate. Her courage is a great inspiration to many. Though discouraged by both parents, she stood out and proved them wrong. Being a pirate from history required one to be a male with beards. Her parents thought she would never qualify to be a female. She proved them wrong and became a successful pirate. From this, we note that jane was very courageous and above all very creative.



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