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Importance of the use of modern technology in public venues

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Public venues like the sports stadium and public events places have realized the importance of the use of modern technology. Most of these venues use technology in almost all of their activities. The reason why they have adopted technology is that technology makes work more comfortable and practical. With the use of the perfect technology, the venues can prepare for an event as adequately and also host more participants in the sites.

Most of the public venues use technology like social media to market their events and venue facilities, and venue use computer systems for record keeping and event management, venue use vacuum cleaners and other machine for cleaning the venues, venues use sound system and monitors during event to enable participants have ease in viewing the event and listen to what is happening in the event lastly they use the security system like cctv cameras, frisking machine to ensure the safety of the participant

The use of technology in events make the experience of the participants wonderful, example the sound system enable all the participants however the number, hear what is going on in the event, and the monitor make it possible for the participants to view the event from a distance at their comfort. Also technology use in the venue enable the management to prepare the event at a cost effective and also maintain orderliness in an event.

If you were designing the venue of the future, what technological advances would it offer?

First, when modifying the venue I will include security system. In the recent days trhere have been security incidences in most venues in the country where participants are beaten, robed or bulled. My security system will include microphones and cameras so that we may ensure security.

Second, I will use technological marketing and record keeping through computer and internet system. I will implement use of computer system in management of the venue, marketing of the event and also record keeping of the event.. this way the venue will get more event and more participants for the event we will host.


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