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Decision Making

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Making a wise and informed decision is critical for a person or organization. Though it is tough and risk, making harmful and useful as a person is bound to happen that can either affect the business negatively or positively. Many people make bad decisions because they do not factor in costs and benefits that are relevant in decision making. As a human resource manager, I once decided to retrench twenty employees under the advice of the CEO and chief finance officer. By agreeing to retrench was the worst decision that brought the organization to its knees because the retrenched employees got paid millions of money. It affected the operations of the company that it could not pay its day to day bills. From the decision, I learned to analyze the cost and benefits of any decision before being made.

Poor performance in any organization is unacceptable. Instead of firing underperforming employees, making a decision to organize for a coaching training is paramount. Training transformed them, and their performance improved tremendously. It became the wisest decision because it cut on the cost of firing, hiring, and training new employees. Getting new employees is costly, and it takes time for them to understand how the system works. Decision making should follow the set process and consider the available alternatives carefully.

People have different behaviors and how they work to achieve their set goals. Some employees report to work late and work under pressure to accomplish the tasks and responsibilities assigned to them. Though they can meet what they were tasked with, it cannot be accepted by everyone. Most people prefer planning the tasks, time, and how to execute without working under much pressure and not producing expected results.

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