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Demographic change in Germany

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Demographic change in Germany

Along with this article, the demographic change in Germany is also linked to the fact that around 300,000 labor forces leave the country.[1] In order to buck the declining demographic trend , the Bertelsmann Stiftung migration report, states that a net total of 260,000 non-German migrants must arrive annually.[2]

A major benefit will be reached when labor force participation gradually grows and won’t be kept on a constant rate. When labor force participation is kept on a constant rate and no future immigration is considered; as a result, the potential labour force would be reduced to 31.0 million people by 2060.[3] This might be an extreme case that nobody immigrates, but even if there is net immigration will be reduced from 400,000 to 200,000 in each year, the potential labor force would decline by about 6.3 million people by 2060.[4]


[1] Schulz, F. : Germany needs a quarter of a million migrant workers a year. Link:, Feb 2019, Accessed on 05/12/2020.

[2] Fuchs, J. , Kubis, A. , Schneider, L. : Zuwanderung und Digitalisierung. Wie viele Migration aus Drittstaaten benötigt der deutsche Arbeitsmarkt künftig?. BertelsmannStiftung.

[3] Fuchs, J. , Kubis, A. , Schneider, L. : Zuwanderung und Digitalisierung. Wie viele Migration aus Drittstaaten benötigt der deutsche Arbeitsmarkt künftig?. BertelsmannStiftung.

[4] Fuchs, J. , Kubis, A. , Schneider, L. : Zuwanderung und Digitalisierung. Wie viele Migration aus Drittstaaten benötigt der deutsche Arbeitsmarkt künftig?. BertelsmannStiftung.

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