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           Happiness is a feeling of pleasure and positively with what we have and what you get.There are many ways to be happy. However, for me happiness is considered in three words: health, money, and family.

Why do I choose health is the first thing than money? Other people say money can buy anything, but we don’t know it could not buy any health from others.Good health is everything to let me enjoy my fun life.  Being in good health allows me to go to work to make money.On the other hand, when I am healthy, I can achieve my common goals and focus all time in study to get a degree. Another thing that I can carry out for  other people like my friend,family or anyone who needs help.

Second things are money, the most common of everyone.One example,  I can buy the best home,buy a car and live a luxurious life.When I have a lot of money I could send it back to my Mom to help her in Vietnam, so she does not need to work a lot and cure her illness. But it is just a dream, the truth is I use it to pay the bill everyday.

Family is the last thing that makes me happy. I moved to the United States five-year ago, which means five-year I lived far from my family. I could not forget when I stay near my family I feel peaceful, family always supports me every time I am tired. They teach me a lot of things in real life no one could not. They love me from the bottom of their heart and take care of me all the times.Family is the most important to me, if they are happy then I am happy too.

In summary, different people have their own things that make them happy. It is like a gift of God given to us,but do not stay and wish, go for it. The best gift never comes for a lazy worker. Do not look at other  people’s happiness, go find your own. We will be pleased and satisfied with what we get back.

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