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Hemingway’s work

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Hemingway’s work

Robert Gorham Davis got interested in Hemingway’s work, and on September 7, 1952, he decided to review the story of The Old Man and the Sea. Davis started by describing the main subject in the story, which was an aged fisherman. And that is why he gave the title of his review as “Hemingway’s Tragic Fisherman.” The author of the review described the story as “a tale superbly told” and mentioned that the “Ernest Hemingway uses all the craft his hard” to come with this tale. He saw the story as a novella written in the “maturity of Hemingway’s art.” He thinks the story is directly, cleanly, and “truly” told. According to Davis, The Old Man and the Sea could be compared to another story, “Big Two-Hearted River,” written by Hemingway because they carried art and the truth that “come from a sense of limits.” The Old Man and the Sea was a hero story that ended up celebrating the bravery of a person. The author presented ideas of “dignity, propriety, and love.” He was true to himself in writing, and every story he combined his strength courage and craft to go far. All this indicated humility and maturity as an artist.

I also found Hemingway’s story as “a tale superbly told” and with a title that brought the picture of the main subject in the story. We have the “The Old Man” whose story is about his activity at “the Sea.” The story began by recognizing the old fisherman with the name Santiago, and in the first paragraph, the author discusses how the “old man Santiago thinks of the strangeness of his powers as a fisherman.” He went fishing for more than eighty-four days and returned home empty-handed. The tale took us to the natural tragic patterns where he got the themes explored in the story. So by mention that “Ernest Hemingway uses all the craft his hard,” it means the author used his writing skills to present his ideas. I agree with the reviewer that the author expressed maturity in his work. He stuck to the truth, and most of the time, he would describe the old fisherman with respect, dignity, and love. From the story, “Santiago lived in a good town where he had been happy with his wife, and where there is now the boy.” I think he acted as a parent to the boy because “He had taught the boy fishing, and the boy loved him.” As a great writer, strength, craft, and courage Hemingway was a good example of a skilled artist with intense masculinity in writing.

The magazine of TIME on Monday, Sep. 08, 1952, recognized the story of The Old Man and The Sea as the “best work he has ever done.” The author Ernest Hemingway reported through the magazine that he read his book “over 200 times, and every time it does something to me.” The author accepted that the story in the book always made him almost forgot “what he had been working for all his life.” The magazine identifies three aspects of the author, which interested them most. Hemingway took the readers to the Gulf Stream near Cuba, a place that excited him very much. This the main subject, the old man used to go fishing. Apart from writing, the author was also familiar with the skill of fishing, and I think that the reason he attached the activity to the old man. The third aspect was the “fundamental contest of life that has always fascinated him.” The magazine recognized Hemingway as a “man of unquestionable courage, character, and simple decency pitted against unconquerable natural forces.” That is why the magazine saw the story as “clean and straight.” A lot of people admired his craftsmanship, and thus his story referred to as a “masterpiece.” Despite getting a lot of criticism, the story remains as a “poem of action.”

The magazine was not wrong to mention that Hemingway took her story to the place which excited him. We saw the main subject the old man, “a widower, lived alone in a small shack near the harbor, at the Gulf Stream. Santiago made his living through fishing but mentioned to be very unlucky to get a fish for more than 84 consecutive days. He remained with confidence that things will change and hoped for “Good luck.” The story recognizes the skills of the old man that helped him fight tragedies at the shore. His courage sustained him both in the day and night along the shore, and the story revealed the old man was no longer at weary at the end of the story. I support the idea that the story was similar to a poem of action because the author used writing techniques, short sentences, metaphors, personification, and similes. There are scenes the old man spoke to the sharks. I also agree with TIME magazine that Hemingway’s story was clean and straight. In that author created a masterpiece that evolved societal issues such as poverty We saw the old man used to “sleep in the chair” and used “the newspaper lay across his knees, and the weight of his arm held it there in the evening breeze.” Sometimes he would sleep empty stomach. I think the magazine recognized the story “clean and straight” because the author was seen as a skilled artist with intense masculinity in writing.

As a skilled writer, Hemingway proved the intense masculinity of writing in The Old Man and the Sea. The novel remained among the modern classic piece, and we have seen most of the critics recognized the story one of the finest pieces Hemingway had ever produced. Through the story, the author tried to expose the experiences of men in real-life situations. Santiago appeared to be the main subject in the story, and the author used him as a good example of men struggling to prove their self- worth by overcoming the challenges of nature. The old man experienced various tragedies like failing to catch anything for over 84 consecutive days. The interesting thing was the old man remained confident that things will change and hoped for “Good luck.” This might have inspired other fishermen along the coast of Cuba who made a living through fishing like Santiago. We have a lot of lessons from the story that can be applied in the future. One, I learned than we should give up on every life experience we pass through. Just like what we saw in the life of Santiago, our success depends on our strength, confidence, and courage. Hemingway was successful in his career because of respect, dignity, and love of artwork

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