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Feeling sad, stressed and anxious while coping with Covid-19

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Feeling sad, stressed and anxious while coping with Covid-19

Feeling sad, stressed and anxious while coping with Covid-19, it is normal. It is not only the fear of the unknown but also, a social distancing that has distorted the beauty of African greetings. It has drawn us under captivity in our own houses. Fine-tuning to the new ways of living is a pick-and-shovel task. But guess what! You are not alone.

I was in shock,

I knew I had to,


At my face,


Risk losing myself,


Get a grip,

I muttered,

Under my breathe,


I became conscious of the clock ticking

It seemed



The chorus in my head,

Grew louder

And couldn’t be silenced.



An epidemic that metamorphosed,

Into a pandemic

Had established its roots

In our lives







With a job loss,

Price inflation and,

The burden of rent,

I had to

Bring wondering thoughts,

To reason,


A master of,

Mending your mind,

You become,

When you learn

To swerve your

Way off stress,


A time,

To be employed,

By the internet,


Actualizing your,

Building codes,


The solution,

Is reliant on,

Using what,

You have,

To become,

What you,






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