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Natural energy sources

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Natural energy sources

Their distribution mediums cover a large area, and therefore, they produce energy on a large scale. Natural energy sources act as a substitute of others in case one source fails, the other source will provide power intended for the same purpose. Modular refers to having numerous wind turbines or solar arrays that produce energy for consumption (Croner & Frankovic, 2018). Therefore, people need to have resilient and clean energy sources that will cause fewer adverse effects. People should replace trees if they cut down some to avoid climatic change. The wind blows daily, although not always a strong powerful wind, a light breeze is enough to help produce energy (Sastry & Murthy, 2013). The United States depends on other countries for our energy needs because of its fewer fossil fuels. Fossil fuels have a disadvantage as they could run out due to overconsumption in the industries. What will happen when those fossil fuels run out?

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