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Intimate Partner Violence and Elder Abuse

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Intimate Partner Violence and Elder Abuse

Safe shelters are centers that house victims of domestic violence. Plans of actions should be laid down to protect the individuals from their abusers. These plans are referred to as safety plans. The safety plans ensure that a person’s rights are not violated. The programs offer a safe, respectful, and kind environment for victims to relax and settle their minds. The elderly need to be accorded a sound piece of mind and protection, especially after experiencing unprecedented violence if they are to have full recovery (Dong, 2017). The actions defer depending on the kind of abuse an individual is involved in. A safety plan contains all the vital information needed. They are even tailored to fit different situations. They help one to walk through different scenarios uniquely. Safety planning involves assisting the victims in coping with emotions. This includes how to tell relatives and friends about the situation and also helping them to know how to take legal actions.

During times of crisis, the victims’victims’ minds and brains function differently compared to when they were calm (Shankardass, 2019). Therefore, it is hard for them to think right and even make logical decisions concerning their safety. When a safety plan is already laid in advance, it helps individuals to protect themselves in such stressing and hard moments.

When one can accept all the facets, both positive and negative, then this is self-acceptance. This self-acceptance is usually free from any qualification and is unconditional. It, therefore, means that an individual can recognize the limitations or weaknesses. This awareness enhances the ability of the victims to accept their conditions and adapt for the better fully. When the victims unconditionally accept themselves, they become more confident about their lives. They then move to accept the reality of what had occurred them. It makes them start thinking positively regardless of the crisis they are in. It will calm them down and be in a position to understand the situation they are in. This will facilitate them in taking the right measures towards healing (Teays, 2019). Unconditional acceptance first looks unto one’s sone’s weakness before blaming other people for the crisis one is in. It also erases the sense of feeling guilty and shameful. This feeling is replaced by self-confidence and brevity to face life hence bringing healing to their emotions. The victims then begin to think that they are not to blame for their negligence, looks, or bad behavior. They begin to understand that something might have compelled them to act. It also drives one to a sense of self-pardon hence developing a more compassionate and forgiving heart. All these lead to having the confidence to accept reality and looking forward to a more prosperous and great future.


















Dong, X. (2017). Elder Abuse: Research, Practice, and Policy

Springer. Link

Front Cover

Shankardass, M. (2019). International Handbook of Elder Abuse and Mistreatment

. Springer. Link

Front Cover

Teays, W. (2019). Analyzing Violence Against Women

. Springer. Link


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