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The issue in the article

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The issue in the article

The author in this article address the issue of moral distress from the perspective of the moral distress theory that has been applied to clarify the impact of this issue on nurses. In regards to this, the article’s main objective involves critically analyzing the research literature that applies to the moral distress theory, its concepts, and constructs, and provide an assessment of this theory based on studies that have been completed since it was first established.

The author in this article have succeeded in addressing this moral distress issue as they conducted formal methods in reviewing the articles, which ensured a thorough evaluation of literature associated with the moral distress topic. The author also followed effective procedures in carrying out this analysis. By following these procedures, the author was able to examine the origins of this theory and its objective, the meaning of the theory, its usefulness, the logical competence of theory, its testability as well as the parsimony and generalizability

How moral distress theory is used in the article

The moral distress theory in this article has been used to investigate how it has been utilized in numerous research studies addressing the topic of moral distress. The author in this article examine how the moral distress theory has been extensively researched in multiple studies to elaborate its understanding. By identifying the current understanding of this theory from the perspective of other studies the author has been able to conclude that a new moral theory is needed to handle the issue of moral distress.


How does this theory work for the identified issue?

Before the development of the moral distress theory, studies investigating about moral distress were affected by a lack of theoretical clarity that prevented the application of the results to education, policy, and practice. However, the inception of the moral distress theory acted as a guide in researching this area as well as its application to clinical practice. This theory contains a set of concepts including sensitivity, autonomy, commitment, sense-making, certainty, competency, and judgment. By combining these concepts different studies were able to identify the issues of moral distress among nurses. However new concepts, prepositions as well as themes associated with morals have emerged and this calls for a new model that will give a clear reflection of the current state of the moral distress issue. These new propositions and concepts need to be tested and if they don’t fit in this theory then a new framework will be required.

The kind of evidence Presented by the author

The author in this research have used quality improvement evidence. The author has shown how the moral distress theory can be relied on to identify the negative effects of moral distress on nurses and how the absence of moral distress can impact nursing. The author argue that moral distress can lead to psychological and emotional distress that leaves nurses feeling powerless. This result in job dissatisfaction, burnout, resignation as well as distancing oneself from the patients. However proper utilization of moral distress theory can promote moral comfort among nurses leading to improved care among patients. This research also shows sustainability given that it addresses the emerging concepts and propositions of moral distress as well as why it is necessary to adopt a new theory.



The application takeaways

The moral distress theory is made up of eight integrated and nonlinear concepts which include sensitivity, judgment, commitment, competency, certainty, conflict, autonomy, and sense-making.

The utilization of this theory in various studies has made them applicable in practice, education, and policy. This theory has also made it easy to identify the negative impact of moral distress on nurses, patients, and healthcare organizations. However, new concepts and propositions have emerged regarding the issue of moral distress which warrants a new theory that is capable of predicting, treating as well as managing moral distress.


The issue of moral distress is a pervasive problem in the field of nursing. The author in this essay have succeeded in showing how multiple studies have used moral distress theory to address this issue. While this theory has been useful in identifying the impact of moral distress, the new concepts and propositions of this problem make it necessary to have a new theory.

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