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Securitizing the Covid-19

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Securitizing the Covid-19

According to the latest reports, the Covid-19 pandemic has spread in 168 countries of the world since the first case was detected back in December 2019 (Acharya, 2020). Globally, the disease has affected almost half a million people. As a result, the pandemic has received policy responses from different countries. Consequently, the securitization process has been developed in an aim to combat the coronavirus disease.

The securitization process has been done on the people and entails societal calculation on the cost of security. The speech acts and reactions by the audience have been aimed at securitizing the pandemic across the world. Since the pandemic has proven fatal killing thousands of people, many individuals have opted to seek security in health to protect themselves. Securitization is critical especially in taking emergency measures towards the coronavirus pandemic. The politics of securitization has been shaped amidst the pandemic with opposing discourses.



Acharya, A. (2020). Responding to Covid-19. Advances in the social sciences research journal, 7(5),29-40.

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