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Voyager Space Exploration Mission

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Voyager Space Exploration Mission


The Voyager space exploration was an exercise undertaken by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the year 1977 (Launius, 2004). The main objective of the project was to conduct intensive flyby studies on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. However, the NASA team realized that in as much as a single spacecraft could conduct the intended studies, building the aircraft to cover such a distance, as well as carry the necessary instruments for the research and stay in space for the period stipulated for the study would be very expensive (Launius, 2004).

Thus, NASA decided to build two spacecraft to conduct intensive research on the four planets. Voyager 1 did intensive flyby studies on Jupiter and Saturn, while Voyager 2 did intensive flyby studies on Uranus and Neptune, too, apart from Jupiter and Saturn (Leverington, 2003). Voyager 2 was launched on 2oth August 1997, and on 5th September 1977, Voyager 1 was launched. The two aircraft had these instruments:

  • Ultraviolet spectrometer
  • Radiometer
  • Spectrometer
  • Magnetometer
  • Plasma detector
  • Photopolarimeter
  • Low energy charged particle detector
  • Plasma wave detector
  • Infrared interferometer
  • Cosmic ray detector, etc.

Scientific Goals of the Mission

The Scientific goals of Voyager 1 are:

  • To help NASA scientists understand Jupiter and Saturn better: The spacecraft was built to conduct intensive flyby studies on both Jupiter and Saturn. These two are the most massive planets. NASA scientists needed to add more knowledge to the existing data about the two worlds.
  • To help NASA scientists understand energy in space: Voyager 1 was fitted with instruments that would help scientists gauge the level of radiation and heat in general in the area. Such devices include cosmic ray detector, radiometer, etc.
  • To identify the existence of extraterrestrial life in space: Voyager 1 carried a copy of the Golden Record, a collection of pictures of people and places on Earth, greetings in 55 different languages, and a wide range of music. This is to contact any life form beyond Earth.
  • The Voyager Interstellar Mission: Voyager 1 became the first spacecraft to ether the interstellar space in the year 2002 (Burlaga, Ness & Stone, 2013). From this interstellar space, NASA scientists will be able to collect data relating to magnetic fields, particles, wave science, etc. Such information will be an essential add-on to the already known information about space.

The scientific goals that NASA scientists wanted to achieve from Voyager 2 include:

  • Getting more info about Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune: Voyager 1 reaches both Jupiter and Saturn before Voyager 2, although Voyager 2 left earlier. However, the data collected by Voyager 1 regarding Jupiter and Saturn had to be reaffirmed or improved by Voyager 2.
  • Identifying any forms of life in space: Voyager 2 was fitted with the Golden Record, that is, a device with a collection of pictures and different parts of Earth, greetings in 55 different languages and various genres of music, to attract attention and thus a response by any form of life in space.
  • Getting more information about energy in the area: Voyager 2 was fitted with devices to help understand the general concept of space energy, including radiation. Such methods include a radiometer, a cosmic ray detector, etc.


Scientific Result of Voyager Mission Changing our Understanding of the Solar System

Before Voyager 1 reached Saturn, it was believed that Saturn had three large, beautiful rings whose gaps between them were caused by resonances with Mimas, one of the planet’s satellites (Leverington, 2013). However, after Voyager 1 reached Saturn, discoveries were made. Initially, it was believed that the Cassini division, the region between rings A and B of Saturn, was empty due to the effect of Mimas. However, after a careful analysis of satellite images transmitted by Voyager 1, NASA scientists realized that the Cassini division was not empty as believed.

Also, a keen analysis of the satellite images sent by Voyager 1 during its flyby analysis of Saturn led to a discovery of more rings surrounding the planet. This was not expected. These findings cast a very dark shadow on what scientists believed had led to the formation of the three large beautiful rings surrounding planet Saturn. This has dramatically affected our understanding of the solar system.


Conclusively, the Voyager space exploration mission was split into two: Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. Voyager 2 left Earth earlier. However, it arrived at the interstellar space later than Voyager 1. Both spacecraft were meant to help improve our knowledge about the area. Upon Voyager 1 coming near Saturn, discoveries were made about its three rings. More rings were discovered, making scientists question their understanding of how the three beautiful rings surrounding Saturn were formed.




Burlaga, L. F., Ness, N. F., & Stone, E. C. (2013). Magnetic field observations as Voyager 1 entered the heliosheath depletion region. Science, 341(6142), 147-150.

Leverington, D. (2003). Babylon to Voyager and beyond: a history of planetary astronomy. Cambridge University Press.

Launius, R. D. (2004). Frontiers of space exploration. Greenwood Publishing Group.





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