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Civil Rights Movement

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Civil Rights Movement


The Civil Rights Movement was a period when African Americans were struggling for equal rights. For the longest time, the African Americans had struggled to acquire equality, and although the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments gave the blacks some of the rights, the African Americans still continued to face political, economic, and social discrimination in the United States. It was after World War II when the individuals of color came together to protest against discrimination and racism that they were facing in America. There were many reasons why the civil rights movement emerged after World War II. One of the primary reasons for the civil rights movement at the end of World War II was the existence of G.I Bill. The federal government offset the college cost after World War II to help the veterans adjust to life after the war. Many African Americans took advantage of the government’s offer, although they faced discrimination in well-paying jobs. The African Americans were upset that the government did not offer equal rights for all people, and this prompted the African Americans and their supporters to plan a more organized movement that would help them achieve equal rights.

Martin Luther King Jr was one of the important leaders during the Civil Rights Movement period. King, in 1955 assisted in organizing the Montgomery Bus Boycott with the hope of ending discrimination in the public transportation sector. He formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization that aimed at uniting churches in the South to dispute against racial discrimination and segregation for African Americans (King 2015). King was against violent methods, and this strategy attracted people from different races to support the African Americans in the struggle for equal rights. In 1963, King delivered “I Have a Dream” speech where he peacefully requested the government to support the end of any kind of racial discrimination and segregation (OpenStax, 2019). Some of the people negatively took King’s speech, and this resulted in violence to attempt and prevent the Civil rights movement’s success.

The Civil rights movement peaceful protest method to call for change had a positive impact on the nation. The movement strategy influenced the protest strategies of other groups in American society. The civil rights movement protestors used methods like boycotts, sit-ins, public protests, and other non-violent ways. The Civil Rights movement became effective in 1964 and 1965 when the federal government passed the Voting Rights Act in 1965 and the Civil rights Act in 1964 (OpenStax, 2019). The movement was most effective because it compelled the federal government to implement laws to protect the rights of the Black community. Also, this movement benefited individuals with disabilities and women. The implementation of the Voting Rights Act gave the African-Americans the right to vote.

Before the civil rights Act was enacted, the Native Americans, women, and African Americans encountered many challenges that included discrimination in the education institutions, employment sectors, and housing. The women were empowered to fight for their rights. The National Organization for Women (NOW) was established to protect the rights of women in education, politics, and employment. The women were also given control over their bodies by having access to abortion and family planning methods (Cohen 2012). The most significant accomplishment of the civil rights movement was the establishment of the Civil Rights Act that resulted to a higher economic and social mobility for the African Americans all over the nation. It abolished racial discrimination, offering better opportunities for women, religious minority groups, low- income earners and the African Americans. It removed discriminatory barriers for minority groups. They were allowed to vote, rent, purchase houses, and the disabled were also protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act. There was the establishment of other Acts like the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund made by Hispanic Americans that advocated for adjustments in the voting, immigration and education rights. The Native Americans formed the American Indian Movement that intended to preserve Native American culture, although they used civil defiance to express their claims.

Racial discrimination is an issue that exists in the United States until today. The civil rights activists used nonviolent methods to fight for equal rights. The non-violence protests can also work today to solve ethnic and race conflicts. Americans need to be educated on the importance of treating each other with respect. The main problem lies in the parents who bring up their children with the notion that individuals of color are different. This makes the children grow up treating people of other races differently. Violent protests cause more harm that includes the destruction of property and loss of lives. It would be better if the race and ethnic battles are solved reasonably than solving using violent strategies. Negotiation is a method that has been used to resolve conflicts today. Also, two people can involve a third party who will help in resolving a conflict. For instance, a non-violent protest by the LGBT community allowed them to express themselves, and their complaints were heard and addressed. Non-violent methods work in the modern era, and what is needed is to make people understand the cause of the protest.

The ideas of the 1960s are relevant today because individuals are still fighting for equal rights. In the modern era, segregation of minority groups is seen in the employment, healthcare, and education sector. Some universities still do not enroll students from minority groups. Although women have fought for equal rights, the wage gap between men and women still exists. King’s drive of ensuring that all people, regardless of their color, race, and sex, are treated equally, should be implemented in the present era (Oskin 2013). Discrimination, racism, and xenophobia experienced today are the same challenges people in the 1960s faced. If these issues are addressed the same way the civil rights movement activists addressed them then, maybe a permanent solution can be implemented that will help solve the current issues in the United States. There are many platforms today that can be used by people to address their claims as compared to the 1960s. Today social media platforms have been used by different groups to address their claims, and with support from the supporters, actions have been taken.

The civil rights movement in the 1960s resulted in the implementation of many laws. This movement also gave confidence to the minority groups to push for equal rights. The civil rights Act that was enacted in 1964 helped ban any discrimination in the employment, education institutions, and access in acquiring housing facilities. If the civil rights movement existed today, then more minority groups would struggle for equal rights (Harris 2015). In America today, there exist many groups which feel that they are not treated well. Therefore if the civil rights movement existed today, then these groups would have pushed for Acts to be implemented. Diversity is on the rise in America presently with many ethnic and racial groups emerging making the population of the minority groups to be higher than the whites’ population. If the civil rights movement emerged today, then the supporters would be more than those in the 1960s. The population of the whites is lesser compared to the population of the minority groups especially with the increase of immigrants in the state. Therefore, the Civil Rights Movement would have a more impact today and more reforms would be implemented because of the diversity in the society.







Clayton, D. M. (2018). Black lives matter and the civil rights movement: A comparative analysis of two social movements in the United States. Journal of Black Studies, 49(5), 448-480.

Cohen, Nancy L. Delirium: The Politics of Sex in America. Counterpoint P, 2012.

Harris, F. C. (2015). The next civil rights movement? Dissent, 62(3), 34-40.

King, M. L. (2015). I have a dream. Edizioni Mondadori.

OpenStax. (2019). U.S. history. OpenStax CNX. Retrieved from

Oskin, B. (2013). Why US Still Needs a Civil Rights Movement. Retrieved from






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