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  Wellness dimensions

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Wellness dimensions

The two wellness dimensions; Physical wellness and environmental wellness, scored lowest. I am willing to work on these two dimensions to improve their scores. My plan to improve physical wellness is to do exercise twice a day early in the morning and later in the day. My objective is to lower my weight by at least one kilogram by the end of the first month of regular exercise. There are many benefits that I will derive from improving my physical wellness. I will achieve higher body flexibility. I will also improve my time management skills by following my exercise timelines. In the process of attaining my objective, there could be challenges in finding time for exercise, especially in the evenings due to other commitments. If I achieve my goal, I will invite my friends to a party. I will seek the help of some of my friends to accompany me in doing exercises. I will start the exercises next Tuesday.

On the environmental wellness, my objective is to improve on my interaction with the environment, community. My objective is to engage my friends and available members of my community to collect recyclable materials and plant about 500 flower seedlings in our compounds and institutions within a duration of one month. Working on this wellness will help to increase environmental beauty and conserve the environment. There are likely to be challenges in accessing the seedlings from the source to the institution and homes.  The seedling source is far located from our homesteads. There will need to plan for good means that will transport the fragile flowers. Once I achieve the target, I will purchase some household commodities made from recycled material. I will use my close friends and members of my community who will be available. I will start on the first date of the next month.


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