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Porters Bargaining Power Model

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Porters Bargaining Power Model

The essence of every business is to scale up profits. The bargaining power of both the supplies of raw materials and buyers is an essential determinant of the success of a business. To understand the cost of production, give the brand a slight overview of the amount of money the product sells at the market; nevertheless, the cost of transportation is also crucial.

Large and established companies obtain raw material in bulk, and therefore when you buy products in size, it is slightly cheaper than when you buy in small quantities. It is however, advisable to start-up companies that find it hard to source materials to look for alternative materials with the same quality to serve the purpose.

Not only is bargaining power applicable to supplies, but the same is for the customers. For example, sports products are but many in the current global market. The quality of the product is the most vital ingredient for consumers. However, with the availability of some of the most recognized products like Nike and Adidas, start-up companies are advised to develop high-quality products and avail the same to customers at a relatively lower price compared to known brands.

In a nutshell, brand recognition has an outstanding achievement; for example, in the sports industry, it is a significant plus to a business enterprise. In affirmation of the same bargaining power of both the supplies and customers is the heartbeat of business enterprise.



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