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The Conservative and the Liberal thoughts in the USA

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The Conservative and the Liberal thoughts in the USA

In the USA national politics, there exist two schools of thoughts: The Conservative and the Liberal.

Theoretically, the two ideologies are completely opposite to each other.

Conservatives and Liberals have different views and beliefs on the role of government, structure of society and the progress of the nation as a whole.

The two main difference in these two ideologies lies on how much the past or the present should be maintained for the future.


Liberals believe that the governments should provide low-cost and sustainable healthcare to its citizens regardless of their financial status, they, however, do not oppose the setting up of a private healthcare system to run parallel.

Conservatives, on the other hand, believe on the privatization of the entire healthcare system free from government control.

Liberals do not support death penalty, to them every death penalty is a risk of ending an innocent life, they instead advocate for life sentencing.

Conservatives believe that death penalty is the appropriate punishment for serious crimes like terrorism.

Liberals believe the government should run and regulate the economy in efforts to protect citizens from extorsions by monopolies. To them, the government acts (should act) to the public good.

Conservatives advocate for a free market and the capitalist system; they view this as a better way to grow the economy and improving peoples’ standards of living.

Liberals support euthanasia, they believe that every individual has a right to a dignified death and as such if an individual suffers too much Healthwise then termination of their lives is allowed.

Conservatives view euthanasia and assisted suicide as immoral and illegal.

Liberals support softer immigration policies, to them illegal migrants should be provided with valid residence permits.

On their part, conservatives view illegal migrants as a great danger to national security and as such they should never be allowed to enjoy the same rights as legal citizens.

Liberals support same-sex marriages; they are of the view that every person should be given the liberty to marry who they love regardless of their gender.

Conservatives view same-sex marriage as not only immoral but sinful, they believe that marriage should only exist between a man and a woman of the right age.

Liberals believe that the rich should pay higher taxes, this to them would help in bridging the inequality in society.

Conservatives advocates for lower taxes for all regardless of their social status.




Burton, C. M., Plaks, J. E., & Peterson, J. B. (2015). Why do conservatives report being happier than liberals? The contribution of neuroticism.









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