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A tattoo is a modification done on the body by the insertion of dyes and inks to alter the pigment of the skin either temporarily or permanently. People who got tattooed when they first emerged were viewed as criminals. Their meaning has changed nowadays, and a good percentage of adults have tattoos. There are three categories of symbols, namely pictorial, symbolic, and decorative.  This paper will focus on getting tattooed, the different kinds of tattoos, and reasons for having them. Although tattoos are becoming common, they are still not widely accepted, and people have various ideas, views, and opinions towards having or not having one.

Many people in the modern world like tattoos, where others have at least one, but others choose not to get tattooed. The idea of having a symbol appears brilliant to me for different reasons. Although I do not have a tattoo at the moment, most of my friends have, and others are still considering. My reluctance to getting tattooed highly correlates with the employer’s unwillingness to hire individuals with visible marks. Although tattoos bear significant meaning to the person wearing them, the society may not see that, and the person may, therefore, directly or indirectly experience some neglect from friends and family (Dimitropoulos et al. 321). There is hope, however, as the modern world is transitioning and allowing people with tattoos to secure decent jobs.

There are different kinds of tattoos, thus the various reasons that people give for getting tattooed. While the decorative symbols do not have a specific meaning, symbolic tattoos bear a purpose that is most relevant to the person wearing them. The last category is the pictorial tattoos depict particular items or people, for instance, an emblem of the hand of Fatima. The kinds of tattoos that I mostly support is symbolic. I would not want to get a symbol for the sake of it.  Symbolizing my religion, culture, pledges, and devotion can be achieved by wearing a tattoo that signifies that. I would love symbols that express my positive feelings.

People choose to get tattooed for different reasons. Some people do it for self-expression, others for attention, artistic purposes, to identify with specific groups. When people see an individual with a tattoo, they often murmur something about their character or personality. People are judgmental and attach much weight to the first impression they get. The reasons are inexhaustible, but what is that tattoos are now considered normal. I, however, think that people who use symbols to express their opinions or lovers may regret or not later in life. It is, therefore, a gamble as life is a mystery, and there are new experiences and changes as life goes on (Kang et al. 45). People’s beliefs or views at 18 may have changed by the time they get to 40 or 60.

To sum it all, tattoos are now part of us, and what people need is sufficient knowledge and good reasons before getting one. Some people wear too large tattoos only to regret later. Others get low-quality ones that affect their esteem and may cause health problems. It is also important to note that it is not all religions that support tattooing. Muslims, for instance, believe that it is a sin. People should be accepted for who they are and what they believe in.
























Work Cited

Dimitropoulos, Vassilios, et al. “Reasons behind the ink.” Cutis 98.5 (2016): 320-322.

Kang, Miliann, and Katherine Jones. “Why do people get tattoos?” Contexts 6.1 (2007): 42-47.









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