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How Socio-Economic and Political Changes Led to Development

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How Socio-Economic and Political Changes Led to Development

In the United States, there has been an impending need to change the political, socio-economical way of life that is experienced by Individuals. This is because people living in the United States needed to lead more settled lives to boost their economy. As a result, there is a need for individuals to improve their livelihood by coming up with efficient tools and types of machinery that are essential in making life easier. In the olden days, people led difficult lives due to the poor economy, the political system was not developed as opposed to 1990. Therefore, there was a need to improve the socio-economic lives to improve the economy, the political change that would advocate for the health and the well-being of individuals. Moreover, there was a need to improve the social-economic background to do away with various practices such as the slave trade that was practiced in the 1880s.

Firstly, the theme of survival is evident in the sense that individuals needed to ensure that there is enough supply of essential commodities that would boost the livelihood of people. Individuals needed to build houses that were made by cutting down trees to provide timber that would be used to make houses and other furniture. Additionally, trees were cut down to be used as fuel. Individuals are driven by the desire to provide food, shelter, fuel and clothing. The notion of individualism has been construed in the sense that every individual struggle for basic needs. Poor people, the wealthy, the workers, upper class and the entrepreneurs in 1990 ought to enjoy justice in a manner that promotes uniformity and equality irrespective of their social-political class. Individuals are also given the benefit of enjoying the fruits of their labour in an attempt to protect and provide the people they care about[1].

Secondly, there is the theme of ambition, in that nature provides the same resources and opportunities to every individual, individuals who appear to be more hardworking and focused towards attaining a certain goal end up being awarded as a result of the efforts that they put across. In an attempt to amend nature and bring about a balance, amendments such as taking from the better and giving to the worse, diverge penalties from people who have carried out wrongdoings and disseminate to those who have done better or take rewards from people who have done better and award the worse to bridge the gap that brings about inequalities. The survival for the unfitness shall be attained and the poor, wealthy, upper class and the entrepreneurs will have equal opportunities[2].

Thirdly, the theme of power is evident in the sense that men have ended up in lower and upper strata since due to the evolution of the political and social-economic stability. As compared to the olden days, whereby civil liberty came about due to a man turning against a man by the use of force, brutality and violence. In the 1880s and 1990, individuals saw the need to struggle for an industrial competition that is inclined to attaining material goods, skills, industries and energy as opposed to the notion that people should fight one another to gain fame and material possession as opposed to using their mental ability to acquire various materials. Intellects and knowledgeable men are awarded for their spectacular contribution and not men who know how to use force. Moreover, nature  manages to strive some form of equilibrium since people are awarded according to their efforts[3].

A rich man’s estate is shared with the poor through agencies in an attempt to help the people who are willing to help themselves through investments and businesses that would assist them to lead better lives. The theme of sacrifice is essential, as a result, people who need assistance are the people that are physically impaired or have gone through various accidents that have affected their lives. The community ought to be provided with a platform by which the people who are willing can access to make socio-economic and political changes. There should be the improvement of public places such as recreational places, libraries and public institutions to inspire people to become better and to advance and be productive. The laws set in place for accumulation and distribution should be left free for people to will autonomously to get the same resources. However, the law of individualism should be not be lifted. However, the millions laid in trust for the poor should be used in an attempt to improve the welfare of the community[4].

Rauschenbusch thought that Christians should learn to acquire the social wealth that is depicted in the bible by making sure that Christians are concerned with the poor and that they should practice equality through equally distributing power and wealth. Christian are required to ensure that they do not put too many aspirations and hope because there is another world. However, people are accustomed to changing the world through remodelling various structures, improving technology and making the world habitable[5].

Individuals have many rights and liberties that help them cope with their lives. However, when men are given too much liberty they might misuse the liberty that they have been given. As a result, liberty has been confined to primary and secondary rights in the sense that there are rights that an individual acquires essential and crucial to their well-being and their way of life. Whereas, secondary rights come about as a result of the circumstance an individual finds themself in. When it comes to politics, free competition has not been embraced, people have failed to promote transparency. Therefore, political competition is among a group of individuals. People are not given equal opportunities because people rely on the patronage of well-known and influential politicians to influence crucial decisions[6].

In conclusion,  the world is dynamic due to the impending needs that are brought about by the political, socio-economic changes that bring about some form of stability. Besides, people from all works of life need to be given equal opportunities in an attempt to better the lives of others and to promote equity and justice.








Foner, Eric.Voice of Freedom: A Documentary History.New York, NY: W.W.Norton &company, 2004)









[1] Eric, Foner. Voice of Freedom: A Documentary History. (New York, NY: W.W.Norton &company, 2004) 35


[2] Foner,37

[3] Foner,39

[4] Foner, 33

[5] Foner,49

[6] Foner, 51

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