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Reply to Justin

Hello Justin. Thank you for this informative post. I agree with you that mastering logical operators places anyone in a good position of understanding and steering different programs because logical operators are useful within most programming languages. I understand your joy since being able to run a program after a programming process successfully can be fulfilling.

I like how you were able to identify your strengths and areas of weakness for improvement, like setting and getting statements. Besides your action plans to improve in setting and getting statements, I also advise that you can utilize Youtube videos or tutorials to improve your skills in this area. I agree with you that JoptionPane makes it easier for other users to view and enter information because it offers standard techniques to pop up a standard dialog box for value or notifies users of something (Eychaner, 2003).

I know the book can be the hardest way to master some of these programming techniques. But you can use the book to gain the theoretical part but use the internet to access online Youtube videos and NetBeans tutorials, which will practically demonstrate to you how to take inputs using JoptionPane.




Eychaner, G. (2003). An extensible Java user interface framework for controlling distributed systems.




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