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10 Best Solar Inverters and Their Reviews For 2020

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10 Best Solar Inverters and Their Reviews For 2020

An inverter is one of the important element when harnessing energy from the sun. One of the things to consider when buying a solar panel is the type if inverter that you are planning to install. The watts rating of the inverter should be equal to the rating of the solar panel and this is the correct way to size it. Solar inverters aids in turning the energy collected by the solar panel from Direct Current to alternating current. The solar electricity that is then generated can be used to power home appliances and electronics. Inverters track the maximum point of power that is generated on the solar panel from the sun. Most solar inverters are able to last for decades without maintenance but this will greatly depend on the type. Some inverters will need regular maintenance like cleaning them of dust and dirt and this can easily be done using a hose from your garden. It’s important to get information on the best solar inverters to make the right decision when you want to purchase one for yourself.

  1. WZRELB 3000W solar inverter

This product is good for power backup and the supply of energy for the home. It alters the energy generated from the solar panel from 12VDC to 120VAC. It’s made up of two large inductors and it functions to store, boost, eliminate and filter energy. This helps to improve the performance and longevity of the inverter. It has a strong capacity for driving thus ensuring there is a strong output. There is an increase in the capacity of the load as it allows the floating of a stronger current. The power supply is independent offering protection against high temperature /overheating, low voltage, short circuit, overload and over voltage. This product is fitted with a strong system for cooling and this helps to prevent overheating. The surface area of the sink that helps with cooling is large whereas the fan is very powerful. This aspects ensure that the inverter cools rapidly as there is an increase in the circulation of air. The PCB board is thick (2.0mm) and this increases the capacity of the load. It’s also fitted with copper inductances that safeguard the equipment making it last for decades without need for repair.

Benefits of this product

  • This inverter comes as a package with all the necessary components to include the power inverter 3000W, a user manual, remote controller that is 16ftlong, battery cables and the necessary fuses.
  • There is a good display of the alternating current (AC) and the direct current (DC) and this aids in knowing the condition of the inverter.
  • The terminal block is well fitted with different colors and this makes it easier to use; yellow color indicates the ground line, black indicates neutral line while red indicates the hot line.

Customer review for 2020

Customer A: customer bought the product in 2019 and after using it for some time, it stopped working. The seller was contacted, did some trouble shooting without any positive results. The inverter was replaced at a no extra cost and the customer is happy to use it.

Customer B: customer reports that it does not have a surge capability and it does not start an AC unit with 6000btu. The customer reports that he will use it to run the microwave but not the air conditioner

  1. Greenworks 300W cordless inverter

This product is ideal for any emergency, when there is a need for power. It’s great for camping as it’s mobile and strong to power an air pump of 120V or at a tailgate party. The inverter lights the small house hold appliances incase of a disaster. It’s able to power multiple devices as it’s fitted with 2USB ports and 110v alternating current. It makes use of sine wave to alter power with an output of 300W. It has a fuse that aids in protecting the house hold appliances and other devices as it’s in built. Greenworks is compatible with any 40V batter as long as it’s from Greenworks. The inverter is simply slid into the 40V battery and this will provide energy for long hours. The inverter comes with well fitted components like a life indicator for the battery, commanding button and an ion technology for lithium.

Benefits of this product

  • Buying this product will ensure that there are no more fights for the few power outlets when you are on that road trip with your friends. Just ensure that you have the inverter and the 40V battery from Greenworks in the boot.
  • It’s ideal for any power outage and emergencies
  • There is protection against short circuit, overload and overheating.

Customer review for 2020

Customer A: customer connected a battery 2amph to a LED lamp 14watt to test it. The lamp lit for almost three hours and this was an hour more beyond her expectations. She says that it’s a great source of power when there is no electricity.

Customer B: customer said that the inverter works well. He also added that he uses it to run multiple appliances to include heating pad, an electrical blanket, floor fan, wyze camera and to open the garage door for approximately 10seconds.

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