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Learning styles

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Learning styles

Learning styles are a cognitive indicator of how learners comprehend information. There is no doubt that everybody understands information differently. Students, in particular, have different learning styles, including auditory, visual, and tactile. Both students and teachers need to recognize one’s learning style. To achieve excellent learning, teachers must combine different teaching techniques. For instance, if a student comprehends information by listening, that is termed as an auditory learning style. Similarly, a visual learner is one who learns more through reading and graphical diagrams, whereas a tactile learner comprehends information through physical learning.

Understanding learning modalities is vital in developing an efficient learning curriculum. Teachers can learn their students’ learning methods through different channels. Over the decades, various tools such as Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory (LSI), Marshall & Merritts’ LSI, or Honey & Mumford’s Learning Style Questionnaire (LSQ), have been developed to determine different learning styles, (Tomruk et al, 2018). Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory (LSI) insinuates that learning is experimental, and students learn continually over a period of time. Likewise, Marshall & Merritts tool defines different learning style preferences, whereas or Honey & Mumford developed a questionnaire scheme from various researchers.

The self-assessment carried out follows Honey and Mumford’s learning tool scheme that determines students learning style. These questionnaires were structured to cover the various learning schemes with an experimental learning model. This type of tool has been used widely by teachers to determine their students’ learning styles. Personally, the online assessment I carried out graded my learning as visual. Generally, I can term the evaluation as precise and logical. Even though this is the case, studies have proved that the majority of students can adapt to different learning styles in different learning situations. Therefore, knowing one’s learning style is sufficient, however, flexibility in learning style is advised for active learning.



Work Cited

Tomruk, M., Ilçin, N., Yeşilyaprak, S. S., & Karadibak, D. (2018). The relationship between learning styles and academic performance in TURKISH physiotherapy students. BMC Medical Education, 18. doi:10.1186/s12909-018-1400-2

Learning Styles: The Models, Myths, and Misconceptions – and What They Mean for Your Learning. (2020). Retrieved from



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