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Choice and Rationale

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Choice and Rationale

In my opinion, I would choose the second solution of increasing the supply payments for products that are supplied. It is because the suppliers are most likely to give quality products for the products that are well paid for because of the value they have. Also, quality products will be more marketable, and the customer will end buying the products even in bulk, which is an advantage to the company. The reason for not choosing the other solution is that maintaining a good relationship is very important; however, a company should not stick with the supplier because they like them but rather because they have quality products.


An increase of payment can be applied where a company reviewing negotiation terms and make them better. The offer needs to be mutually beneficial where the company and the suppliers will benefit in an ay that the organization will get quality products that will increase their productivity. The supplier will be motivated, and they will improve the quality of their goods. An example is Jack’s company can use the solution for their shipments, and they will be able to get EML quality products in bulk.


Question 1

There should be payment of outside contract salespeople according to their results of sales. It will motivate them to work even harder, and they will be ranked according to their subsequent and performance. Also, the customers’ personalized purchases should be weaned out and replaced with better ways to acquire their products in a secure mode.

Question 2

It can be done by establishing a fresh new line of products with elegant and new image purposely for direct fresh quality tea export. Additionally, the company can make its investment in marketing and packaging, which will boost the brand of the company. Apart from those, there could be an improvement in communication and event that give appreciation to the customers.

Question 3

It can be done by connecting the marketing, production chief jobs, and VP of sales with the same goal and scope, which will result in powerful results inform of faster decision making and efficient communication.

Question 4

It can be reduced if the company decides to use online systems, email, PayPal, and fax machines, which, as a result, the company will maintain its customers.

Question 5

The decision that the company needs to make is bringing, innovating, and exciting new products to the market while taking account of the marketing trend and course emerging trends. Also, expanding the business with different flavors would help and give more time to the marketing strategy used.

Question 6

What’s need is having a crossed functional team at the same table because it is essential for people in the company to have the same goal. Additionally, the reduction of too many links in the distribution, supply chain, and production will reduce overall inefficiency and cost.


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