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What is the most powerful message you learned about sustainable investing

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What is the most powerful message you learned about sustainable investing

In the Concepts in Action video on Pfizer’s capital structure, some challenges have been outlined when it comes to their monetary system. Amit Sigh works for Pfizer and his responsibility is to trail the firm’s debt, cash, and revenue. The structure of their capital principles is different because it is complex to tally the returns for pharmaceutical firms of the year. The reason for having a distinct structure of the monetary policy is the time taken for the drugs to be registered which is a long process. Some of the drugs can take up to 10 years to be confirmed by the FDA due to analyzing them. if the company had a venture that was almost coming to an end but due to various reasons an abrupt risk emerged, the company would lose its revenue.

Question number 2

What is the most powerful message you learned about sustainable investing

Sustainable investing is the progression of venturing in maintainable funds or a firm. Sustainable investing establishes better ways of performing business and generating the force to encourage more and more individuals to decide on the future they are working to develop (Krosinsky & Robins, 2012). Business people from many firms internationally are taking sustainable tactics to trail their investment objectives through a combination of traditional investment models with social, federal and environmental insights. Sustainable investing enables individuals to pick ventures based on values and personal priorities. As an investor avoiding placing money into companies that produce tobacco or alcohol is important since you will be avoiding excess pollution on the environment.

As a result, the investor will not only attain monetary returns for consumers but also realize intrinsic profits not faked anywhere else through sustainable investing. Besides, it leads to a deeper affiliation between customers and their investing conducts developing a longer, customer satisfaction. Choosing a company, organization or funds to create measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return can only be possible through sustainable investing (Krosinsky & Robins, 2012). According to research, sustainable investing have impressive returns attributed to sustainable business practices and socially responsible investing created excellent returns.

Question number 3

Do you believe that the federal government should change marijuana regulations? State whether you believe in keeping marijuana completely illegal, allow for medical marijuana use or allow for recreational marijuana use. You must support your opinion with research.

The government should not alter the marijuana laws and should continue legalizing it for health purposes. Therefore, Marijuana should be allowed for medical use. Marijuana is effective for relieving chronic pain that afflicts a lot of Americans especially in their old age (Hill, 2015). Marijuana’s attraction is that it is safer than opiates because it can overdose and it can replace the NSAIDS like Aleve. Particularly, cannabis seems to ease the pain of multiple sclerosis and nerve issues. Nevertheless, there are other existing options like Neurontin or Lyrica but they are numbing.

According to some studies, sick individuals assert that marijuana allows them to go back to their normal activities without feeling disengaged. Besides, marijuana has been approved to relax muscles and many patients suffering from Parkinson’s illness confirm that it can reduce quivers (Hill, 2015). Besides, it successfully works for endometriosis, cystitis and other conditions that result in severe pain. Also, marijuana is employed to control nausea and weight loss as well as treating glaucoma (Hill, 2015). Additionally, medical marijuana is said to assist sick people with irritable bowel syndrome and pain associated with HIV. The claims of effectiveness on medical marijuana should be considered in keeping it legal and allowing it for medications.

Question number 5

  1. Explain why IBM Watson is a form of disruptive technology?
  2. Explain how Watson can be used in e-business to help a company compete?

Disruptive technology can be defined as one which works to substitute existing technology making it old fashioned. IBM Watson is a system that offers answers for queries put forward in a natural lingo. IBM Watson is a fast developing artificial intelligence system. Watson is a cognitive machine that gains knowledge over time. This technology can process data smarter like a human than a computer itself. The reason for its capabilities is mainly funded in its unique roles of processing natural language, evaluation of hypothesis and dynamic learning. IBM Watson is a disruptive technology because it gains cognitive insights excavated from the developing data by the internet of things to revolutionize the industries. This technology promises to make better decisions in a limited time hence resulting in direct massive job cuts in many industries. This technology will make a lot of human redundant because of its revolution. Most of the traditional jobs will disappear because of how the technology landscape is changing in the digital era. IBM eliminated repetitive roles mainly in the manufacturing environment and it is moving fast in the white-collar jobs.

Many industries remain constant even in competing due to the digital transformation. This is because many investors do not have the tools to compete in e-commerce but with IBM Watson things can change. IBM influences more innovation making investors spend less time managing the e-commerce programs hence focusing on what is most essential like consumers experience. Watson can assist retailers in map online procedures and deliver excellent consumer experiences. Retail experience in e-commerce is all about personalization. Watson can help in presenting products through an app to consumers at the correct moment of the purchasing cycle (Rodgers, Yen & Chou, 2002). This in return can minimize the number of clicks for an online retailer.

Besides, IBM can create electronic debit dealings that would enable consumers to purchase at implicit stores and have their fees cut automatically from their accounts in the financial institutions (Rodgers, Yen & Chou, 2002). Additionally, in the entertainment industry, a firm can establish an online radiology image or CAT scans t using IBM hence replacing a film library or a small theater that can strengthen competition in the entertainment industry. Additionally, IBM can help major companies to order goods online for an inventory program that could be restocked. IBM can also offer a consistent view of products that a retailer provides and enable consumers to find and place an order using mobile devices (Rodgers, Yen & Chou, 2002). Furthermore, technology can enable the convergence of physical and online stores to offer ways to attain and meet the needs of clients in terms of shopping and delivery.

Question number 6

Compare disruptive and sustaining technologies, and explain how the Internet and WWW caused business disruption.

Disruptive technology involves persuading consumers that they need something different while sustaining technology develops out of listening to the requirements of the existing users (Dixon et al. 2014). Big firms tend to succeed when it comes to sustaining technology because they have resources, time and users to be able to be more risk-averse. Small companies on the other hand deal with disruptive technology because they compete with big firms that have already established in the market. Disruptive innovation finds niches that may be too risky to justify the venture. Sustaining technology is more long-term and an elevating tactic while disruptive takes time.

Nevertheless, they are similar in that attaining innovation in accompany and stabling a long-term growth means combining both approaches and emphasizing on opportunities available in both disruptive innovation and sustaining innovation (Dixon et al. 2014). The internet and WWW cause business disruption by permitting individuals to communicate in methods that were impossible before the age of information. Today workers collaborate and goods are produced and put up for sale.WWW is a part of the internet that is used to correlate data. People began to notice the purpose of electronic communication and the role of the network started to change communication bring forth unforeseen impact on businesses and personal communications.

Question number 7

How did e-business change the traditional buying model?

E-commerce is the purchasing of goods and services through the internet and it is created to shorten the process of buying (Owens, 2006). Traditional commerce, on the other hand, is where a consumer purchases items face to face in a store or a market. E-business changes the traditional buying model in terms of accessibility. If a person wants to purchase a good in a market, he or she will have to visit the stipulated time. This requires the individual to move from where they are to make the purchase. Nevertheless, this has been changed by e-commerce in that individuals buy items through the internet and sites like Amazon rather than visiting the physical stores (Owens, 2006).

Besides, e-commerce is available 24 hours a day even during the holidays. This means that people can purchase whatever they want at any time they feel like doing it. E-commerce makes it easier for retailers because their clients are not just regional but international and therefore sending items can be made effectively through shipping. E-commerce enables consumers to click on the product they desire to purchase the website (Owens, 2006). With traditional commerce, clients leave the markets with their goods in a bag but in e-commerce customers don’t have to wait since it will be delivered wherever they are.

Question number 8

  1. How has Web 2.0 helped develop the gig economy?
  2. Describe the e-business model associated with the gig economy?
  3. Describe the revenue model associated with the gig economy?

The gig economy is a free market platform where minimal positions are common and temporal and entities hire employees fro a short period. Web 2.0 has helped the gig economy because of its activities based applications. These applications enable people and businesses to take part and modify the way the website feels. Web 2.0 is simple and it is more evolutionary as well as widespread among investors. Today many companies are employing web2,0 to interact and contribute using distinct online platforms like youtube and Wikipedia among others. Web 2.0 means sharing data and other notions with other sites globally. This gives businesses and firms more exposure easily. Web 2.0 is essential for marketing. If a business sets to create an online venture, Web 2.0 assists them in growing their business through social interactions with clients hence improving the economy.

An e-business model is a tactic a firm takes to gain profits from the internet. E-business models like Uber and freelancers allow the consumer to access services via short-term periods. Besides, trade websites like eBay have developed an explosion in the economy. E-business models were deemed as an advantage by innovative ventures but today it’s the novel norm. In the gig, economy e-business has even become a demand where people work remotely. The companies compel monetary markets but it is the workers who impel labor markets. Due to this. people are leaving jobs that start from 9 up to 5 and embracing the gig economy whereby through e-business model people can choose how, where and when to work. Besides, with the increase of cloud-based internet companies are able to access on-demand talent globally rather than full time hires in an office (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2002).

Revenue model, on the other hand, is a framework for creating finance. It recognizes which source of revenue to the trail, the value to offer and how the value will be charged. The advertising revenue model is associated with the gig economy. The advertising model is associated with the gig economy because this involves activities around prospecting database creation and verification (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2002). Adverting revenue model is adopted by media firms and data providers who earn money by adding advertisements in the content given in the gig economy. The revenue approach is to a large extent in offline ventures and a firm generates revenue through c asking a fee from the advertiser in the gig economy. This is paid per size of space provided or per click on the advertisement.

Question number 9

“Describe the culture of an organization you are familiar with. Identify some physical artifacts—such as logo, mascot, building, advertising images—associated with the company and discuss the underlying values these suggest.

Coca-Cola’s culture includes values like passion, integrity, diversity, leadership, and quality. Coca-cola’s main promise is its value which is to refresh the world in mind body and spirit and motivate moments of cheerfulness. Coca-Cola has a diverse culture that involves activities to attract and establish talent, offer support to diverse backgrounds and educate all members to attain sustainable development. Coca-Cola has some physical logos on its products which include the logo, mascot, building and advertising images (Scholes, 2012). The observable artifacts in the products of Coca-Cola include the red and white colors on the logo and the shape of the bottles. Besides, advertisement tactics involve sexual fascination and consist of a diversity of all people liked Coca-Cola brands and goods.

The bottle of the company is shaped in polar bears which enables them to differentiate from other products from their competitors. The shape of the bottle symbolizes the beauty and sexiness of a woman with the advertisement appeals by the company. This artifact brings out the cuteness of the bottle even when a person is drinking the beverage. Coca-Cola’s images also are another artifact that brings value to its brand. The images include people singing, images of places, polar bears, celebrations and celebrities. These artifacts are of value because they enhance market competition and represent the company’s credibility (Scholes, 2012).

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