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Measurements and Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

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Measurements and Samsung Galaxy Note 10+



This project revolves around the reliability and accuracy of measuring stationary distance and positioning using smartphones. There has been a prevalent notion that the newer models of smartphones yield more accurate and precise measurements than older models. Despite the accuracy of the assertion, Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ has shown improved efficiency. It is a new trend in the world of smartphones.




Samsung is a leading global electronics manufacturer. From its humble beginnings of selling dry fish, Samsung has developed and assembled a myriad of devices used across the world. Statistics show that it currently controls 31.38% of the global market (Szot et al., 2019). Mobile phone production is an important sector of the company that has endeared it to the world. The onset of the Samsung Galaxy Note series production filled the world with the hope of constant progress and utilization of the emerging new technologies and trends. However, questions have been raised concerning the new galaxy models in making accurate measurements of distance and positioning. In this paper, the accuracy of the latest Samsung Galaxy model, Note 10+ will be explored.

Measurements and Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Szot et al. (2019) acknowledge that smartphones have continuously shaped our lives due to their enhanced features. These features include personal navigation tools using a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) present in the devices (Wang et al., 2013). Despite these accolades, Szot et al. (2019) argue that the new models of smartphones have fallen short of expectations when used as measuring tools.  In fact, the authors articulate that the new models of smartphones have been less accurate than their predecessors (Szot et al., 2019). Their results show that Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 and 5 yielded the highest levels of accuracy with deviation ranging from 3 meters to 4 meters while the latest model, at the time, Samsung Galaxy 7 was the most inaccurate with a deviation of almost 12 meters.

Despite this criticism, Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ has been a more accurate and progressive model. Launched in 2019, Simon (2019) says the model is more reliable and has more precise features. He urges people with $1,100 to acquire the gadget for many reasons.  The device has a flawless display and higher speeds compared to its predecessors. In measurements, it has an installed GNSS that yields more accuracy in geo-positioning and personal navigation.

According to Simon (2019), Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ has considered the glaring fact that global positioning systems continue to evolve and improve. As such, most of the positioning tools are improved as compared to those of its predecessors. Studies earlier conducted yielded deviations of three to twelve meters without factoring in obstacles that may be presented by different terrains (Coughlin et al., 2016). Simons (2019) argues that were these unconsidered factors included in the studies, Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ still yields and accuracy level of less than one meter in deviation. The device has, therefore, revolutionized the ability of smartphones to make accurate stationary measurements of distance and positioning.


In summary, the Samsung Galaxy Note smartphones are widespread across the world. Critiques have argued consistently that notwithstanding the improved features speeds and connectivity, the new models have been more inaccurate measuring stationary distance than their predecessors. However, the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ has improved features and is the best model to have been developed by the company.






Coughlin, S., Whitehead, M., Sheats, J., Mastromonico, J. & Smith, S. (2016). A Review of Smartphone Applications for Promoting Physical Activity. J J Commun Med, 2(1):1–14.

Simon, M. (2019). Samsung Galaxy Note 10+: If you have $1,100 to spend, this is the phone to buy. PCWorld, 37(10), 35–43.

Szot, T., Specht, C., Specht, M., & Dabrowski, P. S. (2019). Comparative analysis of positioning accuracy of Samsung Galaxy smartphones in stationary measurements. PLoS ONE, 14(4), 1–19.

Wang, L., Groves, P. & Ziebart, K. (2013). Urban Positioning on a Smartphone: Real-Time Shadow Matching Using GNSS and 3D City Models. Inside GNSS, 8(6):44–56.















Appendix A

Survey on Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ and Measurements

Q1: Do you use a Samsung Galaxy Note smartphone?

Yes                                                                  No

Q2: If yes, which model?

Note 7 and below       Note 8             Note 9             Note 10           Note 10+

Q3: Dou you use the smartphone for personal navigation or finding locations?

Yes                                                                  No

Q4: If yes, how often do you use it?

Always                        Frequently       Sometimes      Rarely             Never

Q5: Do you think smartphones are accurate in measuring distance or navigating?

Yes                                                                  No

Q6: Which model do feel is most accurate in measurement or navigation?

Note 7 and below       Note 8             Note 9             Note 10           Note 10+


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