Detroil City Crime
Detroil is an urban city in the Georgian state boasting a population of around one million residents. The fact that Detroil is an emerging economic city has exposed it to an alarming crime rate that requires curbing before spreading to the nearby towns. Also, a risk has risen of the emergence of criminal gangs that might become notorious if immediate action is not taken in time. Currently, the city is facing financial challenges owing to the low tax collection since the inhabitants are middle-class earners and that tax collection structures have not been correctly set. A grant would go a long way in helping the city to solve the crime puzzle by helping in curbing developing the defense structures as well as offering training to crime handling forces.
Detroil homes a variety of citizens from different walks of life. The social structure of Detroil borrows from several other cities since no specific social class has dominated the city. Crime is certain to be rampant where residents come from different social organizations (Weisburd, 2018). Being an emerging economic city, Detroil does not have already established defense systems and has currently been hit by a wave of serious insecurity. The insecurity facing Detroil ranges from armed gangs to cyber crimes with individuals straining to earn a living, or even keep at par with the fast-growing economy. Several cases of human trafficking have also been reported, and the authorities have been blamed for doing little in fighting the rising crime. The reluctance of the city authorities has been subject to the lack of finances to help in setting up procedures and structures to combat the increasing crime. Current statistics show that the youth mainly commits criminal activities with both males and females being equally involved. Also, the illegal activities are rampant at the centre of the city although serious crimes have been reported on the outskirts.
The Detroil authorities have not kept silent on the increasing crime. Several law enforcement policies have been put in place despite the lack of sufficient finances to support the systems. Currently, the citizens are organized into house groups that are overseen by a government official. The house groups are tasked with being responsible for the whereabouts and the activities of every member in the group. Also, the members of each group are tasked with reporting suspicious member engagements to the local city authorities so that legal investigation is done. Additionally, special law enforcement forces have been established to deal with the current crime situation. The law enforcement forces are comprised of initially unemployed youth who have agreed to receive training and be employed in the law enforcement sector.
A grant will be helpful to the city since the law enforcement strategies require funding, which is currently at a standstill. First, the house groups are continually providing useful information that requires investigation. However, the investigation processes have been facing challenges due to lack of funds to pay the investigation personnel as well as providing the proper equipment. Also, the information obtained has on several occasions required a dynamic response from the law enforcement officers who have however been lacking essential equipment such as vehicles and firearms. Besides, the grant will help in funding the training programs for law enforcement officers.
In Sum, Detroil is an emerging urban economic city that has been hit by a wave of crime. The authorities are attempting as much as possible to manage the menace, but lack of financing has been a significant drawback. A grant will help finance the current laid-down procedures to assist in dealing with the crime issue.
Weisburd, D. (2018). From criminals to criminal contexts: Reorienting crime prevention research and policy. In Crime and social organization (pp. 215-234). Routledge.