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Globalization and Peace

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Globalization and Peace

Globalization is a term that receives different treatment from different people. Generally, the presentation of globalization will have either a negative perception or positive perception. The position on whether an individual will view globalization positively or negatively will be affected by the context of a discussion with people being able to take either one or both positions. One possible framework within which globalization can be discussed is on the effect on peace and stability. Globalization may have a negative or positive impact on peace and stability, but the position taken considers several factors. Developing countries, for example, may learn from developed countries on the strategies of dealing with governance and overcoming challenges of issues of corruption. However, international trade may lead to conflicts that may lead to a negative impact on peace and stability. Globalization has a direct correlation with peace and stability, and the correlation may be positive or negative, depending on the context of perception.

Globalization is associated with a negative impact on trade, leading to conflicts. Countries that have embraced globalization are most likely to experience external market forces that lead to fluctuations in prices hence trade conflicts. The opening of several markets for similar goods leaves nations fighting for markets for their goods and services. One of the most recent conflicts is between the US and China and their influence on developing African countries (Yunling, 2016). Globalization can be blamed for the conflict in that African countries have established connections in different developed nations and hence are not short of options while choosing efficient trade partners. The dispute existing between China and the US is based on the ability to win more trade partners from Africa owing to the vast wealth in unexploited natural resources in Africa. Generally, the US blames China for having a hidden agenda of economically colonizing Africa while China accuses the US of being interested in the natural resources in Africa without having a better plan for the developing continent.

The association between globalization and conflicts is not entirely as well. Globalization leads to widespread knowledge of effective methods of resolving disputes. Ancient methods of dispute resolution included warfare since globalization had not come in to spread nonviolent methods of dispute resolution (Yunling, 2016). Several associations exist between globalization and nonviolent dispute resolution. First, the spread of peaceful techniques is made successful through globalization. For example, nations can learn from neighboring countries the peace negotiations that have resolved a previous dispute. Therefore, peaceful methods are chosen to avoid additional costs of conflicts if violent methods are employed. Secondly, the fear of a destroyed reputation may force nations to seek peaceful solutions to their disputes. Reputation can easily be destroyed with the current state of globalization. For example, China and the US are known worldwide for their good reputation. Engaging in warfare due to economic disputes may destroy the reputation that has taken several years to build. Generally, globalization plays a crucial role in compelling nations to using peaceful conflict resolution methods.

The relationship between globalization and economic transactions between nations has led to several disputes. Natural resources have been exploited due to several factors that exist from globalization. First, nations that had been reluctant to exploit natural resources due to a lack of knowledge have gained knowledge due to globalization (Stephens, 2018). Secondly, nations that had not engaged in the exploitation of natural resources due to lack of market have gotten the international market and thus can engage in exploitation activities. However, the inventions in exploitation abilities have not come without a price. Nations have discovered natural resources in areas of conflicting interests. Areas that had not been clearly defined as belonging to a particular nation have led to fierce conflicts between nations. Some of the areas that have led to disputes include shared water bodies and unclaimed lands. For example, boundaries across water bodies create disputes, especially when natural resources are in plenty and more than one country claims possession.

One of the most recent disputes has between Kenya and Somalia concerning the extension of boundary inside the Indian Ocean. Generally, the border is assumed to be in existence, and no one had bothered in the direction of the boundary before the area was found to have abundant oil deposits hence interest from the two nations (Chan, 2018). Initially, the two neighboring countries had existed peacefully with several activities happening between them. For example, the cooperation on the war on terrorism and other trade activities had gone on uninterrupted until the conflicted came up. Globalization comes in due to the reason that the dispute occurs. The global market allows nations to auction their natural resources such as oil deposits in exchange for exploitation services. The two nations had not thought of solving the boundary dispute between the auctioning activity was launched, and a conflict of interest was noticed. Each country was claiming possession of the deposits, and a severe battle came up. The continuing conflict can be associated with globalization and its relationship to economic developments.

Globalization produces a balancing attempt in a bid to save nations from engaging in regrettable conflict resolution methods. Kenya and Somalia are neighboring countries, and warfare can be detrimental to both nations. Also, the nations have struggling economies, and spending on warfare activities would further break the economies. Besides, the issue of terrorism calls for the cooperation of both countries, which are equally affected and in need of a solution to the terrorism menace (Chan, 2018). Globalization comes in to provide alternatives for the resolution of the disputes. First, the nations are cautious of any action taken against each other. Although the relationship between the two countries has hit the rocks in the recent past, violent action has not been received by either party. The nations have been issuing threats to each other, and international attention has been drawn. When foreign countries are involved, solutions are expected because the solutions provided are aimed at the benefit of each of the conflicting parties. For example, the International Court of Justice has the responsibility of solving international conflicts and could provide a solution to the existing dispute. Generally, the dispute comes up due to globalization in that the nations have identified a potential market for the natural resources in the disputed area and are determined to claim ownership of the area.

Globalization leads to challenges that receive negative perceptions of several individuals. Generally, people believe that several conflicts would not be experienced, were it not for globalization. For example, international trade would not be possible if globalization had not taken the stage so firmly. The spread of ideas leads to vigilance in exploiting natural resources hence the occurrence of disputes across the world (Stephens, 2018). Nations are on the race to dominate the markets by taking advantage of the gaps in the economy. Unfortunately, some gaps are noticed by more than one candidate and lead to severe disputes. The case of the US and China in developing countries is one of the gaps spotted by more than one player. The developing countries need having trade partners in from the developed world. The availability of choices leads to a dispute among the potential partners, with each partner seeking to dominate the market. However, the conflicts have a positive impact on the developing countries in that the developed countries do not take advantage of economically colonizing developing countries without limits. Also, the disputes among nations such as Kenya and Somalia are solved peacefully due to the impact of globalization and the need to protect the reputation of the nations.

In sum, globalization has a direct correlation with peace and stability, and the correlation may be positive or negative, depending on the context of perception. Generally, globalization is associated with conflicts and has been a cause of tension across the world. However, globalization creates a balance by providing peaceful ways of solving disputes. For example, the dispute existing between China and the US is based on the ability to win more trade partners from Africa owing to the vast wealth in unexploited natural resources in Africa. Globalization, however, forces the nations to consider finding solutions to protect their reputations peacefully. Also, the conflict between Kenya and Somalia is being addressed peacefully due to the impact of globalization. Therefore, globalization has a positive impact on peace.





Chan, K. C. (2018). The ICJ’s Judgement in Somalia v. Kenya and Its Implications for the Law    of the Sea. Utrecht J. Int’l & Eur. L.34, 195.

Stephens, A. (2018). Globalization, Conflict, and the Effects of the Rate of Change of     Globalization: An Empirical Analysis.

Yunling, Z. (2016). China and its neighbourhood: transformation, challenges and grand             strategy. International Affairs92(4), 835-848.


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