Institutional racism
APA Citation name of the book is intro to sociology 2e textbook 1. State (One-half page with at least two documented in-text sources**).Begin with a definition of the concept from Cambridge or Oxford dictionary in Credo data base. Next use the text discussion and at then provide information from at least one peer reviewed journal source. If you directly quote any of the sources be sure you put these words in quotes. Paraphrase some of the definitions rather than totally relying on direct quotation. Remember all sources must be documented. 2. Elaborate (Begin with, “In other words….”).Expand on the term by putting it in your own words. How do you interpret the explanation of the concept given in State? Simply, what does it mean to you? Expand your own thoughts. You may wish to begin this section with “In other words….” Take time to fully explain your understanding. 3. Exemplify (Begin with, “For example….”).The next stage is to provide an example of the concept. Make a connection showing how the example relates to the concept. It can be anything related to human behavior from any study. 4. Clarify with illustration (Explain how you have or may come in contact with this concept. Begin with, “It is like when I….”).The final stage takes more personal insight and creativity. You are to provide an illustration of this concept occurring your life or one that may be part of your life in the future. It is not to be another general example, but a personal experience with the concept. Be sure to make the connect between your experience and the definition of the concept Reminder: Citation is critical. This must occur in the State section and in the References at the end of your paper