Scenario 3: Patient Education & Services
J.B. is an 86 year old man who has had several admissions in the last 6 months since his mitral valve repair. He has Type II diabetes with blood glucose levels averaging 250mb/dl or higher for the past several months. During this admission, his dosage of insulin was adjusted, and he was given additional education in managing his diet. While you (as the nurse) are giving these instructions, J.B. tells you since his wife died 9 months ago, he does not monitor his eating habits or blood glucose levels closely. He becomes tearful when telling you about the loss and the loneliness he has been feeling. He tells you he just does not feel good lately and feels sad much of the time. He has few friends left in the community, since most of them have passed away. The charge nurse has told you, “just give him the discharge instructions and let him go as he will probably just be back anyway. We need the bed; we have more admissions coming in.”