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Case Study Research Report


Executive Summary

The project manager is responsible for developing suitable responsibilities and activities for managing project teams and evaluates role of the project workers. The study provides suitable range of depictions for critical evaluation of selecting and interpreting project cases for IBM technology-based company and Shell is a petrochemical organization. It emphasizes developing a crucial review of the projects involved for the firms and reflects on implementing suitable procedures for achieving specific project outcomes. There is utilization of leadership and management style framework for analyzing importance of creating systematic leadership and management styles as project managers for conducting activities. This study provides a comparative view and provides set of recommendations for develops wide range of leadership and management skills for conducting activities linked with the project.

Table of Contents

Introduction. 4

Evaluation of criteria for selecting case studies. 4

Comparative and Critical reflection of outcome of each project 6

Recommendations. 9

Conclusion. 10

References list 12

Appendices. 14





It is vital for developing a systematic understanding of the project manager’s role for developing appropriate leadership and management skills for creating success for the project. The study provides an in-depth analysis on evaluating management and leadership strategy of the project manager for handling project activities for IBM and Shell Company. It helps to create a critical evaluation and compare outcome of each project by implementing useful role of the leaders for handling team related to the success of the project. There is implementation of appropriate leadership and management frameworks for handling work related to the project. The study is useful for providing wide variety of recommendations and provides a conclusion at the end by summarizing the main findings.

Evaluation of criteria for selecting case studies

In this case study for IBM, a multinational technology-based company, there is a need to develop a wide range of perspectives for improving the project’s actual performance and produce more success for assessing future implications concerning the project (, 2018). The project manager’s implementation of a project management framework develops wide range of talents for providing services to customers.

In the existing business environment, it is essential for effective and accurate management of developing appropriate talent management by the project manager for developing an enhanced success in the completion within stipulated time (Javed et al. 2018).).

In the case of Shell, the management has created an unique platform for identifying and evaluating opportunities in the new projects by efficiently delivering the products and creating a competence framework for the employees . This helps in managing various deliverables of the project and provides quality performance by conducting regular meetings among the employees for development of the entire project.

Moreover, the development of suitable mentoring programs by the project manager helps in reducing constraints and develop wide range of competencies and skills for enhancing delivery process (Meng and Boyd, 2017). It leads to an increase in motivation and develops better teamwork for achieving regular objectives and maintains strong culture in providing best project.

In both the companies, there is a need for developing suitable leadership and mentoring program for developing appropriate talents and achieve success in the performance of project. (Maria Stock et al. 2017). The formulation of effective performance by the management of the organizations creates a suitable project portfolio and improves the project’s deliverables in future actions.

It can be evaluated from the case studies related to the two firms, that effective leadership and management skills and competencies of the project managers for driving appropriate talents and create suitable improvement in the policies (Müller et al. 2017).

In both cases, project managers play a vital role in providing mentoring program for driving project workers for marinating suitable performance and improves overall quality in conducting entire project operations(Venkatesh et al. 2018).

This is vital for maintaining a consistent procedure for evaluating success of the project and creates an increase in the existing process and develops suitable project management operations. The utilization of effective leadership and management skills creates proper advantage for managing appropriate performance and improves exiting scenario for developing more talents for managing project success (Ahmed and Anantatmula, 2017).

The project manager of IBM has focused on procuring talents in the employees for conducting operations for the project by creating program for rewarding the talents by certificates with improvement in the performance. It has assisted in managing superior skills for conducting operations in future projects and improves quality in the operations (Drouin et al. 2018).

On the other hand, in Shell there has been formulation of mentoring program for providing adequate training to the project members for centralizing projects and creating wide range of competencies within the project. Therefore, it is vital to create a suitable relationship among the project manager and the employees in the project to deliver better quality and create new opportunities in setting standards for the entire project.

It can be evaluated from the above evaluation that the two case studies for the firms have been selected for analyzing prominent role of project managers for   handling people involved in the project and develop mentoring program for providing quality operations (Fiaz et al. 2017).

Comparative and Critical reflection of outcome of each project

In both the projects of the organizations project managers need to develop systematic processes for one another to improve relationships and bond with one another. It provides a suitable and appropriate approach for formulating long- term leadership and management skills to guide the project members in improving outcomes of the project and attain outcomes in the future. (Raziq et al. 2018).

The project managers focus on framing coaching leadership style and develop Mintzberg Managerial model for analyzing existing risks and guides members within the project for achieving sustainability in the future. This helps in creating successful relationships among members involved in the project and attain better objectives in the future. In case of the organizations, the implementation of this models provides better success and provides superior approach for conducting project operations within the time. The utilization of effective leadership and managerial abilities provides adequate progress for developing talent among the workers and manages long–term success in the future (Cabanis-Brewin, 2018).

It is eminent from the above projects concerning IBM and Shell Company that an effective project manager provides systematic approach for predicting flaws in the operations and deliver better results for evaluating project success. On the other hand, inadequate leadership and managing skills for the project manager delay outcome within the specified time. This creates an mis- interpretation of systematic procedures developed for improving delivery process in the project and recruits less talents for completing entire project (Vaagaasar et al. 2019).

In accordance with the second real life project for Shell, the project manager creates practical managerial skills for creating guidance plan for creating innovation in creating more successful patterns in the future. This provides an collection of suitable practices ion the decision- making process for delivering qualities in the entire project and manage project risks in the future. (Henkel et al. 2019).


Implementation of Coaching leadership Style Model by Project Manager

The primary role of project manager is to develop systematic leadership skills and create a suitable working environment for the employees working in the project. Most of the employees are demotivated and fails to attain specific outcomes of the project on time. The coaching leadership model is an revolutionary and innovative model developed by the project managers for depicting appropriate leadership skills for guiding the workers and achieve overall objectives for managing success (Austin, 2016). This leadership style framework focuses on maintaining a suitable mentoring program and develops sense of strong relationship among one another.

In case of the IBM project, there is development of systematic mentoring program for providing an appropriate coaching style for motivating employees. It provides a suitable approach for managing conflicts among one another and procures appropriate talents for finishing entire project on time. (Berg and Karlsen, 2016).

In accordance with the project, coaching leadership style model provides an set of innovative and forward-looking approaches for stabilizing performance and develop positive sense of motivation. It leads an improvement in creating practical skills for influencing the workers to provide more effort and maintains a long- term effectiveness capability (Eliadis, 2016). The maintenance of suitable mentoring program and interactions with one another leads to reduction in the conflicts and manages overall risks concerned in the operations. It provides basic guidance program for ensuring smooth operations for completing the project and balance operations.

Besides, this leadership style model effectively provides a suitable performance-related performance for the organizations and improves existing culture for working as a team. There is ample influencing and motivating power adapted by the manager by utilizing this approach and solving any queries related to work for the employees working in the project (Thompson and Cox, 2017). It sets up a positive outcome for both the companies and achieves better standards of performance for completing the project’s operations. [Refer to Appendix 1]

Formulation of Mintzberg Managerial Model

In the current business environment, it is essential for developing appropriate managerial skills by the Project managers to manage entire work and maintain strong bonding with the members. The development of suitable managerial model provides a direct impression on the two organizations’ improving skills for the project managers. The utilization of Mintzberg Managerial Model framework provides set of appropriate decisional framework for conducting operations within the project and guide project members for ensuring better success (Serrat, 2018). It provides a network of strategic alignment decisions for organizing and creating affordable guidelines for creating systematic range of techniques for creating better performance. The model is based on successful skills and competencies developed for managing entire operations within the project and manage appropriate deliverables.

Interpersonal Roles

In the first part, the project manager for IBM and Shell needs to formulate an figurehead skill for managing operations within the project. It provides direct effect on setting systematic guidelines for achieving long- term operations and reduces viability in the existing management of the employees. In the other two aspects, the project manager needs to provide strong emphasis on improving guiding and liaison skill for increasing assistance for the employees. It creates long- term stability in the operations and provides managers for marinating systematic procedures and provides assistance for managing operations in the project (Mintzberg and Laasch, 2020). This leads to a development of systematic methods created for managing implications and stabilizes existing operations. The development of suitable interpersonal roles provides project managers for both firms to improve stability in the current activities and manage long- term process for gaining success in the future.

Informational roles

In the second part, the project managers for the companies needs to focus on creating systematic monitoring system and reduces issues that affect overall predibacilibity of the projects. The utilization of systematic procedures provides an affordable process for evaluating internal and external threats affecting project workflow in the future. Therefore, it is suitable to provide systematic information about the project’s deliverables to the project members and finish the entire project on time. In addition, the utilization of informational roles and skills developed by the project manager sets series of opportunities for creating success in the overall outcome of the project (Canbek, 2020). This provides set of opportunities for identifying threats and procuring suitable talents for completing entire project work for both the firms within stipulated time.

Decisional Roles

The appropriate formulation of decisional procedures by the project members provides an additional advantage for procuring suitable operations and reduces existing processes. It affects the success of the project and reduces innovational methods for conducting systematic flow in the existing operations. Moreover, the manager should develop wide range of responsibilities for managing operations and creating more opportunities for reducing unexpected risk concerned with the operations. This is useful for implementing appropriate decision-making styles by the manager and managing resources concerned for improving existing consequences for the project (Tervala et al. 2017). It creates set of appropriate decisions for reducing existing scope of responsibility for creating more opportunities in reducing flaws and maintain competitive quality in the project success. This is vital for both managers of the organizations to create set of appropriate functions for managing overall understanding for handling resources within existing process. [Refer to Appendix 2]

It is eminent that project managers need to establish systematic set of leadership and managerial skills for assessing the people’s contribution in managing the project’s success. In addition, there should be an depiction of suitable approaches developed by the managers for both the firms in the case studies of both the companies enriching a successful operation. The utilization of appropriate procedures sets up proper guidelines for evaluating outcomes of the project by developing favorable sets of skills and competencies for contribution of more success. This is vital for project members of the projects to develop most appropriate processes for creating success and develop strong relations with one another.


It is vital to develop an appropriate set of recommendations for the project teams’ leadership and management to achieve greater success. The recommendations are as follows:

Developing long- term solutions for problems

It is critical for the project managers of the firms to develop long- term solutions for managing existing problems and maintains adequate relations with one another. This provides a systematic approach for stabilizing operations and manages future risks associated with the project deliverables. It creates suitable approach for managing overall solutions of the project members and delivers quality work in completing entire project.

Implement appropriate quality for building sense of cohesiveness

The project manager of both firms needs to develop a sense of cohesiveness among ream members for systematically conducting operations. It helps in creating a strategic thinking pattern for managing the employees within the various project departments and asses overall solutions by building suitable work culture. This is useful for creating a suitable leadership and managerial style adopted by the project manager for completing entire work on time.

Reduction in conflicts among project team members

In both the organizations’ projects, it is necessary to reduce dysfunctional coordination and manage conflicts among one another. The manager should develop suitable procedure for creating an interaction with members in various departments of the projects and maintain sustainably in the processes. This leads to development of quality in existing procedures and reduces viability in the operations. It creates an affordable approach among the team members and provides systematic co-ordination in the various procedures developed for executing operations for maintaining quality project work.


It can be stated from the above report, that role of project managers is to develop set of suitable leadership and managerial skills for achieving success of the project for both the organizations. The above report is useful for developing essential insights on selecting appropriate criteria for evaluating performance of the projects. This is useful for comparing and reviewing necessary set of managerial and leadership skills developed by the manager of the project and improve performance of the firm. There is utilization of appropriate leadership style and management style model for delivering quality and improving existing performance. There is development of wide range of recommendations for achieving more success for the project in the future.

References list:

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Appendix 1: Coaching Leadership Style Model






Appendix 2: Mintzberg Managerial Model






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