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            The nervous system is responsible for the response of the body to either touch, smell, sound, light, or even taste. The nervous system is divided into several subsystems that include but not limited to the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the body’s involuntary reaction to dangerous or stressful events. On the other hand, the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for conserving energy by regulating the response of the body towards different occasions.

The sympathetic nervous system is the part of the autonomous nerves system that is responsible for the response towards danger and stress. Adjustments are made from the sympathetic nervous system when the body is exposed to a change of conditions. For example, an increase in temperature will lead to sweating in a bid to cool the body (Gomez, Fletcher & Buehler, 2019). Also, a stressful or dangerous event will be responded to by an increased heartbeat, or increased cardiac output. The main objective of the sympathetic nervous system is to prepare the body for the expected consequences, for example, danger. Generally, the response from the sympathetic nervous system is referred to as the fight or flight response since it determines the course of action that an individual will take after the reaction.

The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for conserving energy by regulating the intensity of the response that the body makes. Generally, the parasympathetic nervous system works as the opposite of the functions of the sympathetic nervous system. The system is commonly referred to as the “rest and digest.” The functions of the parasympathetic nervous system are carried out when an individual is seated and relaxed. For example, the relaxation of the pupil, slowing of the heart rate, and contraction of the bronchus muscles.

In sum, the sympathetic nervous system conducts opposite functions as the parasympathetic nervous system. Adjustments are made from the sympathetic nervous system when the body is exposed to a change of conditions. On the other hand, the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for conserving energy by regulating the intensity of the response that the body makes.




Benito-Gomez, M., Fletcher, A. C., & Buehler, C. (2019). Sympathetic and Parasympathetic        Nervous System Functioning and Experiences of Peer Exclusion: Links to Internalizing      Problems in Early Adolescence. Journal of abnormal child psychology47(4), 633-644.

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