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Decision making in leadership

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Decision making in leadership

Background of the report

The significant aspect of this report is to keenly analyze and identify the techniques adopted in leadership majorly from the view of a secure decision-making process by the involved leaders. The leadership styles become core guidance unto the leaders who use it to enhance their power and authority amongst the people, identifying the major leadership styles such as autocratic, democratic, and that of delegating grants the leaders the maximum opportunity to enhance their decision making priorities primarily.

The act of decision making inclusive of leadership aspects entails the need to actively recognize the presence of leaders amongst us whose key role becomes securing the entire wellness of the individuals or even the organization as a whole at large (Bush, 2008). Leaders experience specific challenges during policymaking as they engage in processes of decision making towards the changed nature of government even as the 21st-century kicks on.  From research analysis in article one, it is quite evident that majority of the members of the society about 74.5% coming from all genders highly approve the need for a democratic style of leadership that takes into consideration the need for balanced decisions (Andersen, 2000). The rest of the population find interest in the need for both autocratic and delegation patterns of leadership, about 25.5%.

Leadership is the technique whereby a group of people is motivated to achieve a common goal, majorly that of the already set objectives and the outlined strategies for mutual success benefits. The first article shows that UAE established programs in regards to leadership and innovation strategies to help encourage the need for leaders to make necessary decisions that are in line with the demands of the general society at large (Andersen, 2000). In Article Three, the framework concerning the role of utmost patience in decision making demands that there is three subdivision of self, interactions and the possible outcomes needed (Avolio and Walumbwa et al., 2009). When it comes to the self-involvement, specific individual based patience contextual is highly necessary to help leaders adapt their codes of conduct. Based on interactions, the role of patience is felt on the aspect that the decisions made ought to focus on diversity, empowering the lives of other people, and even building stable relationships amongst the people. Lastly, based on the outcomes received, it is quite evident that it leads to a team-building culture that relates to the already set goals and objectives of the involved business.

From research information in article three, it is clear that having a top executive leader who is at the top of the entire hierarchy of the management system directs and ensures that all the operations are effectively done in regards to the well-defined decision-making process entirely. In turn, it helps curb the issues that arise from the poor management of all the daily organizational activities (Avolio and Walumbwa et al., 2009). The task enhances the flow of operations on an inclusive basis, therefore emerging as a stronghold post that employs total control of the entailed aspects concerning the organizations’ strategy layout.

Purpose of the report

The crucial role of the story is to quickly identify the strategies and styles used in the realm of a business leadership perspective. It should clearly state the significant activities that occur from the leadership angle and how to critically enhance effective leadership amongst the various individuals to help create a balanced society in the entire operational basis adopted by the selected leaders, as obtained in article two (Andersen, 2000). Through decision-making, specific techniques ought to be selected, which are in line with the demands of the society involved.

The prior research analysis concerning leaders making decisions proves that securing an active brain capacity that highly considers the aspect of having a stable financial room to enhance the practical responses to specific emergencies. Through the whole brain capacity for a leadership perspective, one can secure the profitable planning strategies that help foresee an active process that improves as time progresses.

It should operate towards creating a balanced regime free from any disputes. Enhancing essential leadership methods helps to foresee the entire strategy since the role of ownership of power and honor helps to keep the leaders on their toes since they recognize their key responsibilities for their target society.

Objectives of the report on decision making amongst leaders

The primary aims are regarding the evident substantial decision-making strategies and significant leadership styles that are present amongst the leaders as they relate to each other. It is quite apparent that both the act of decision making and that of leadership practices are highly interconnected, therefore the need to establish very secure leadership practices that are in line with the entire institutional or rather organizational arrangements entirely (Bush, 2008).

Decision making, as faced in leadership, proves that the styles adopted are highly opaque in theory but still have a secure connection when it comes to leadership and decision-making. Through a consultative decision approach, it becomes quite clear to the report that the entire leadership plan is boosted since the role of participation is highly enhanced.

Statement of the problem

Based on the ethical issues that occur from the act of leadership and decision making styles in society, it is quite evident that it profoundly undermines the needed trust in various situations for their leaders. In multiple institutions such as those of the businesses and educational fields, it is evident that the people are determined based on their levels of moral behaviors in the entire arena (Avolio and Walumbwa et al., 2009). The decisions made by the leaders profoundly affect the involved since the standards used lead to financial kickbacks, acts of nepotism, significant conflicts of interests, a clear reform report concerning the actions being done. The decision making role done by the leaders should highly reflect the need for a resolution in cases of any moral dilemmas.

It should work towards enhancing a definite structure majorly concerning every aspect of life, majorly that of patience in decision making. The leaders who use specific harmful protocols to relay their decision-making processes highly impact the activities being conducted by those they lead. Every decision carries vital aspects that identify leaders’ potentials; therefore, it becomes a motivating factor towards their intentions of speeding up a resolution process (Avolio and Walumbwa et al., 2009). The work of the leaders concerning the challenges being experienced across various fields should be creating a very firm semblance when it comes to the aspect of intellectual and moral capacities.

Models of decision making  

The Congruence model is my best model in the decision-making process since it keenly identifies the essential tool for the leaders in an organization. It efficiently operates on the core components. A secure method is determined to help analyze the best ways to handle them through the proper decision-making processes by the involved leaders (Person, 1928). Analyzing each moment securely helps to identify the means through which they relate to one another well enough through the already existing organizational structure and selective cultures adopted. Research from specific antagonists shows that the leadership styles through the aspects of decision making ought to keenly identify the underlying relationships that exist between the various elements of work, people, certain adopted cultures, and the business structures employed by the core leaders (Person, 1928). Lastly, building and enhancing the need for a stable congruence helps identify essential themes for the best decision-making practices. It takes into account the need for variant steps that configure all the major elements to help resolve the act of making decisions.

The multiple influence model highly adopts certain factual operations in the leadership aspect, which help enhance the need for proper decision-making practices. The decision made following the element of more significant complexities for the core leadership styles must exhibit. Practical research details documented from propositional tests prove that there is a structural complexity for the model, which relates to the lead performances and employee maintenances comprehensively (Andersen, 2000). Availing the proper environment’s complexity boosts the margins through which the maximum unit performances are easily adaptable through the measured leadership behavior.

Since it is clear that decision making by the leaders requires active ownership of roles, it helps enhance maximum responsibilities towards the desired set of people in the involved society. It should take into account the need for logical access in the decision-makers plan to help enhance the three basic decision-making models (Bush, 2008). The Rational model shows the classical approaches fit for the decision making process tools. The alternative ideas that are adopted from the research help in analyzing the core results entirely. The significant assumptions acquired from the Rational model is that the problems states are apparent on their authenticity based on the clear objectives set aside for the decisions (Person, 1928). The involved leaders make clear agreements that suit the criteria and weights of the general public through basic alternatives that are clearly defined. Entirely the decision-making practice is viewed to be very rational by the leaders involved.

The model on Bounded Rationality encompasses the urge to achieve all the needed goals based on the clearly stated alternatives for the achievement of the stated purposes. The leaders who take part in this model practice acquire all the necessary information and the maximum ability to make a prior analysis based on the actions involved in the realm of achieving the goals (Person, 1928). Through the aspect of satisficing, the leaders can pick the most relevant issues and set decisions that are most satisfying to the target group. Involving very sequential attention towards the relied upon choices helps to identify the need for a normal tendency that is easy to relate with the possible solutions (Person, 1928). Also, the heuristic plan analysis quickly identifies the alternatives that are the best fit for the urge to yield maximum success towards the needed priorities of decision making amongst the leaders selected.

The last model talks on the angle of the Retrospective decision model where the focus is triggered towards the decision-makers who securely help in rationalizing their made choices once they are arrived at well enough. Major simplicities are identified and adopted by the leaders to assist in making early recruitments based on the preferences made entirely. The best alternative is directed to favor every aspect (Bush, 2008). The entire decision making process figures out the core methods that seek to justify all the arrangements through an intuitive means. All the rational choices made consider the need for logical assumptions through the means of reasoned decisions that highly highlight the topics in question.

Applications of the decision-making models to effective leadership        

Leaders generally emerge to be decision-makers from the aspect where they clearly analyze the matters in question and therefore formulate unique techniques and styles that best fit the society to whom they are exhibiting total control. The active inclusion of the decision-making models helps to create an environment where all the decisions are well defined and analyzed. The entire components are figured out systematically (Avolio and Walumbwa et al., 2009). The Congruence model being my best decision-making tool, proves the essential procedures undertaken by chosen leaders while making the needed decisions.

When it comes to leadership, it includes general responsibility since the activity can be categorized based on group decision making, individual decision-making plans, and organizational decision-making strategies. From the Congruence model, all the steps are taken into account since it requires the active recognition of the problem in question to help find permanent solutions towards it (Avolio and Walumbwa et al., 2009). Gathering all the data needed by the leaders keenly secures all the needs when it comes to the alternative operations that get relayed from the available components. The leaders involved then make prior analysis for the positive and negative effects of approaching certain angles for the decisions being made.

Lastly, the leaders through the model formulate basic strategies aimed at implementing the made decisions effectively in consideration of the components being put in place to help effect the entire process for the organization involved or institution. The leaders take up their role and engage in very cognitive processes that relate to their desired decision making plans significantly (Bush, 2008). Research from documented sources and information from specific antagonists proves that the leaders need to implement the required managerial duties that entail planning, organizing, and total control. They should be directed in the realm of active decision making processes through the use of the Congruence model entirely that approves the maximum need of the leadership post for the organizations.


It is quite evident that the act of leadership is a compassionate act that is highly required in any organization since the individuals involved are the desired target group when exercising all the responsibilities. Taking into account the role of patient decision-making helps to enhance the maximum features for the entire act of making wise decisions. Future leaders need to have the utmost patience when exhibiting their roles to society by actively including the needs of self-indulgences, the maximum levels of interactions, and the need for positive outcomes at all costs (Avolio and Walumbwa et al., 2009). In the realm of all the models and profitable intentions exhibited during the decision-making process, it is better if the leaders evaluate proper ethical codes that align with their service delivery purposes to the public.

Through leadership perspectives and styles of exhibiting power, it is indispensable to enhance a good relationship that highly figures out proper human relations and through the making of wise decisions that favor the demands of the target audience in question.

Winning the hearts of the subordinates is a crucial role that proves a very significant role in making decisions that total direct control over the matters involved. From the Institute of Education IIUM, it is stated clearly that all the leaders need to acknowledge all their leadership roles, duties, and responsibilities from the perspective of proper interest that drives them to make necessary decisions (Bush, 2008). The leaders need to treat every member of their team, subordinates, and administrators, with total respect, even though they are responsible for making the decisions. It should not discriminate or favor the demands of the people but should create room for fairness and balance in the target society.


The leaders’ role in decision-making helps to enhance a stable system since active recognition of the leadership presence; therefore, the decisions arrived at should focus on the group, individual, or even practical settings at all costs. The group decisions made by the leaders highly ought to take into account the need for balance since the situations are weighed, and several choices are made which favor the demands of all the people in question (Bush, 2008). The leaders’ proper appreciation of the need for decision-making practices creates a loyalty system amongst the team workers who work in unity and togetherness to attain the success of the organization.

Also, the leaders get to encourage employees the need for having a sense of ownership as they engage in their assigned duties daily and the close alignment in activities that get strategized towards building a fulfilled vision and mission for the organization. When it comes to the individual techniques adopted, it becomes an evident nature that the sense of ownership is a key demand by the leaders since they decision making process should not exhibit any form of individuality, unfairness biasness or inequalities (Burns, 1978). From the perspective of a practical setting by the leaders involved, it becomes handy that the need to consult and identify the most valuable decisions to be applied is essential.

Making broad decisions easily identified becomes the core role of the leaders in containing their leadership positions. The decision-making process should not be narrow but needs to cover general aspects that may empower the people in one way or another or even build them generally (Burns, 1978). Also, the leaders get to encourage employees the need for having a sense of ownership as they engage in their assigned duties daily and the close alignment in activities that get strategized towards building a fulfilled vision and mission for the organization (Burns, 1978). In the realm of disagreements, it becomes the core initiative of the leaders to exercise their power roles in establishing firm decisions that highly approve the balanced unity amongst the wrangling individuals.

In recognition of the leadership skills and styles, it becomes a proper chance to exercise the essential methods aimed at enhancing a very secure system, based on the leadership roles and responsibilities towards a large number of sets in the general public. Therefore as the leaders make the decisions, it should take into consideration the need for active management practices that should lead to all the core purposes and strategies while handling any arising issues (Avolio and Walumbwa et al., 2009). Safeguarding the decision-making process proves the leaders’ active indulgence since it takes into account all the demands of the people existing in a particular organization.







Avolio BJ, Walumbwa FO, Weber, TJ. 2009. ” Leadership: current theories, research, and future directions.” Annual Review of Psychology Vol 60 No 1, pp. 421-449.

Andersen JA. 2000, “Intuition in managers are intuitive managers effective?”, Journal of Managerial Psychology. Vol. 15 No.1, pp. 46-67.

Bush T. (2008) Educational Leadership and Management: Theory, policy, and practice. South African Journal of Education 27(3): 391-406.

Burns, J. M., 1978. Leadership, New York: Harper & Row.

  1. S. Person, “Leadership as a Response to Environment,” Educational Record Supplement, no. 6 (1928), pp. 9–21.










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