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Voter Turnout

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Voter Turnout

            Voter turnout is an essential factor that plays a crucial role in determining the outcome of an election. To effectively increase the rate of voter turnout, it is important first to understand the causes of low voter turnout. Economic, technological, demographic, and institutional factors are the causes of low turnout in the United States. Educating United States citizens on the importance of democracy, removing barriers to voter registration, implementing favorable policies, and automating registration and polling process increases the number of eligible voters to participate in the election process.

All eligible United States voters should participate in the voting exercise for fair representation of the government. Also, the ability of American democracy to function properly depends on the voter turnout (Root & Kennedy, 2018). Therefore, the voter turnout rate is such an essential factor in a country’s decision-making process that cannot be underestimated. In the American 2016 general elections, about ninety million eligible voters did not exercise their legal right of electing their leaders. Free and fair election process encourages more voters to participate in the voting process, which increases the rate of voter turnout (Root & Kennedy, 2018). Voting is a democratic right of every eligible American citizen. Educating eligible voters on their democratic right hence increases voter turnout. Barriers in voter registration restrict many eligible Americans from voting.

Eliminating voter registration barriers can increase the rate of voter turnout in the United States. Recently, eligible American citizens who have participated in the election process have complained of a complicated voter registration process (Lemzy, 2018). The requirements of voter registration should be as minimum as possible to make the registration process more efficient to all the American citizens. High voter turnout has been experienced in states with minimal voter registration requirements (Root & Kennedy, 2018). All the American citizens should be automatically registered as eligible voters once they attain the minimum age of eighteen years. The policy will play a key role in increasing the voter turnout rate. By making the voting process easier, the voter turnout rate can be improved.

An easy and straightforward voting process can increase the number of eligible Americans who participate in the election process (Root & Kennedy, 2018). In the United States, voters are subjected to various procedures before they are allowed to vote. By eliminating the unnecessary procedures and requirements, the American voter turnout can be increased. The number of voting locations in America needs to be increased. Increased polling stations will imply that all Americans will be able to access the polling centers without difficulties. Easy access to the polling centers will thus contribute to an increased rate of voter turnout in America.

In conclusion, the voter turnout rate is an essential factor that determines the outcome of an election process. Low voter turnout rates have been experienced in past American elections, which is undesirable. Economic, technological, cultural, and institutional factors are the causes of low voter turnout rates in the United States. Educating citizens on the democratic right of voting can increase the voter turnout rate in the United States. All Americans should be automatically registered as eligible voters once they attain the majority age of eighteen years. By eliminating the voter registration requirements, many Americans will be encouraged to participate in the election process. Making the poling centers easily accessible by all citizens increases the voter turnout rate.




Lemzy, A. (2018). Here’s How to Increase Voter Turnout.

Root, D., & Kennedy, L. (2018). Increasing Voter Participation in America.





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