Quality of life with residents with dementia living in long term care residents
This grading rubric will be used for the evaluation of the Introduction and Discussion of Topic of Interest portion of your Capstone Project/Proposal. Introduction of topic of interest. This section should be no more than 2 pages. A detailed introduction of the topic of interest is offered that easily captures the reader’s attention. Thesis is exceptionally clear, well- developed, and a definitive statement. 20points A general introduction of the topic of interest is offered that easily captures the reader’s attention. Thesis is a clear and arguable position statement. 15points A basic introduction of the topic of interest is offered but lacks interests and does not maintain reader interest. Thesis is somewhat clear and arguable. 10points The introduction of the topic of interest is weak or marginally existent. The main purpose of the paper is unclear and thesis is weak or missing. 0points Rationale/Purpose of the Capstone Project/Proposal. This section should be no more than 2 pages. A detailed and clear purpose statement exists. A detailed and clearly explained rationale and purpose for the topic of interest is explained and supported by peer reviewed, scholarly literature. The reader can clearly understand why the writer is proposing the topic. 20points A broad-reaching but clear purpose statement exists. A general and clearly explained rationale and purpose for the topic of interest is explained and supported with general commentary some of which are from scholarly sources. The reader can understand why the writer is proposing the topic in a mostly clear way. 15points A basic and somewhat unclear purpose statement exists. A basic and somewhat unclear rationale and purpose for the topic of interest is described and marginally supported from scholarly and or non-scholarly sources. The reader has some difficulty understanding why the writer is proposing the topic. 10points No purpose statement exists. An unclear or no rationale and purpose for the topic is given. No evidentiary support is provided. The reader is unable to understand why the writer is proposing the topic. 0points Background and significance of the proposed topic. This section should be no more than 3 pages. A well-defined, detailed, and clear problem statement is made that clearly identifies the challenges, problems, and opportunities that inspired the writer to choose the topic is offered. A succinct desсrіption of the important issues or conditions that exist in leading to the topic proposal is made. Detailed data from literature regarding the topic is used to support the proposal. 20points A clear problem statement is made that identifies the challenges, problems, and opportunities that inspired the writer to choose the topic is offered. A general desсrіption of the important issues or conditions that exist in leading to the topic proposal is made. General data from literature regarding the topic is used to support the proposal. 15points A basic problem statement is made that marginally identifies the challenges, problems, and opportunities that inspired the writer to choose the topic is offered. A basic desсrіption of the important issues or conditions that exist in leading to the topic proposal is made. Limited or non-specific data from literature regarding the topic is used to support the proposal. 10points No or a marginally acceptable problem statement is made but does not identify the challenges, problems, and opportunities that inspired the writer to choose the topic is offered. A limited or no desсrіption of the important issues or conditions that exist in leading to the topic proposal is made. No data from literature regarding the topic is used to support the proposal. 0points Comprehensive chapter summary is made. This section should be no more than a paragraph. A comprehensive chapter summary that clearly captures the essence of each required area of the chapter is included. 20points A general chapter summary that clearly captures highlights of each required area of the chapter is included. 15points A basic chapter summary that somewhat clearly captures some of each required area of the chapter is included. 10points No chapter summary or a summary that does not at all capture the contents of the paper is included. 0points APA, Spelling, and Grammar Paper follows APA 6th edition formatting precisely with no APA errors. Paper has no spelling, or grammar errors. 20points Paper mostly follows APA 6th edition formatting with minor APA errors. Paper has few spelling, or grammar errors. 15points Paper rarely follows APA 6th edition formatting with many APA errors. Paper has numerous spelling, or grammar errors, with use of incomplete sentences, inadequate proof reading. 10points Paper does not follow APA 6th edition formatting at all. Numerous APA errors. Paper also has numerous spelling, or grammar errors, with use of incomplete sentences, inadequate proof reading.