Worldview Analysis
Contrast exists among different authors on whether life and environment are controlled by science or by supernatural spiritual powers. In recent decades, the world has experienced numerous benefits of science. Despite that science has brought many benefits, many scientists and health care professionals have recognized that science cannot give meaning to life. In the current postmodern world, science has made life easier as most of the activities are now scientifically controlled. According to the Christian perspective of nature, God commands the world environment by shaping human understanding to advance technology. Christians regard technological skills as God-given gifts, and they advocate for the good use of technology. According to the Christian worldview, nursing should focus on good use of science to provide improved care to all persons as each person is created in the Image of God. Christian perspective of nature of spirituality and ethics in healthcare differs from the perspective of the postmodern relativism.
Recently, an extremely worrying separation exists between religion and medicine. Medicine in recent decades has become more scientific, making Christians change their views on the nature and ethics of health care (Levin, 2016). In the postmodern relativism era, medication is considered to be biological, psychological, and private. When a health care professional raises any question on religion, it is often to hear the answer that medicine is secular, but religion is sacred. Therefore, in the postmodern worldview medicine does not have a spiritual aspect. Many Christians often attend hospitals to encourage and offer chaplaincy services. However, the chaplaincy offered in hospitals is not considered to be clinical, but a piece of auxiliary advice to the patients in the hospital. However, in some medical schools, the biomedical model has been expanded by adding the concept of caring in medical practices.
Christians argue that health care professionals who are caring tend to have a better understanding of the religious values of patients, which results in better health care services. The postmodern worldview allows for medical practices such as end-of-life care, limitation of treatment, and use of limited or expensive resource in health care, and so on. The technological expansion has resulted in making decisions between good and bad in health care services, which requires the application of medical ethics (Magner, 2017). The postmodern principles of medical ethics always seek for the patient’s best interest even if it means ending the life of the patient. On the other side, the Christians principles of medical ethics consider life as God’s given and sacred, and thus health care professionals do not have the rights to terminate life even if it is the will of the patient. Many questions arise in the role of scientism in health care.
Scientism is a philosophical thesis that comes in two different forms. The two forms of scientism are strong scientism and weak scientism (Stenmark, 2017). The strong scientism states that the only knowledge that human beings can have about nature have been properly tested in the hard sciences. On the other side, the weak scientism allows the beliefs outside science to contribute to the knowledge of nature. Scientism marginalizes Christianity and ethics. Scientism makes people believe that no one in the world can know about God, right, and wrong. Religion disagrees with these claims by scientism since the claims are just assumed and they lack supporting evidence. Scientism causes many people to abandon Christianity. Scientism cannot explain the origin of the universe, while Christianity explains clearly the origin of the universe through the bible. Scientism gains strength and evidence from the methodological naturalism, which provides evidence that scientism cannot explain creation and the origin of the universe.
The question of the ultimate reality deepens the difference between religion and science. Different philosophies have answered the question of ultimate reality in different ways. Ultimate reality is something that is supreme and final. Many atheists do not believe in God, but they tend to believe in science. Atheists believe that the matter and energy make reality. Atheists believe in the ultimate reality is different from the Christianity belief. Atheists cannot explain why they chose to follow atheism and abandoned Christianity. Most of the atheist’s children have acquired the belief from their parents, but not their own decision (Smith & Baker, 2015). Atheism cannot provide evidence on their belief; therefore, there is the all-powerful God who created the world and exists everywhere but is separate from the physical world he created. Human beings exist in the physical world that was created by God. Human beings make use of God’s creation to come up with scientific discoveries. However, human beings cannot use scientific discoveries to understand the nature of the universe because the universe was created by God and is much far more complex to human imagination. A human being is not a biological machine, as some scientists explain. Human being was created by God in God’s image and given power over the other creation as narrated in the bible. Death is not the end of existence as, after physical death, the soul returns to God and await judgment.
Knowledge is useful in making life in the world better. The postmodern world is full of knowledgeable individuals capable of solving the worlds’ problems. Knowledge can be acquired from scientific means. Also, knowledge can be acquired from God’s revelation. To acquire knowledge from God, one is supposed to explore the spiritual realm and seek knowledge from God. Therefore, there is nothing an absolute truth, but the truth is relative. Ethics are necessary in many aspects of life in the world. Many people do not differentiate right from wrong actions. God has given human beings the spiritual power to differentiate good from wrong (Buber, 2015). From the bible, human beings can also understand the difference between right and wrong actions. Morality is not a matter of culture, but God has set absolute moral standards for all human beings in the world. Every human being has a purpose for existence in this world. The existence of human life is not by accident. God created all human beings in the world for a purpose. All human beings have a common purpose of making the world a better place of living by using the resources and knowledge provided by God. Also, all human beings were created to help one another and take care of the other God’s creation.
In conclusion, there is a clear difference between the Christian perspective of nature and the scientism perspective of nature. Postmodern relativism views medicine as biological and psychological, but not religious. Christianity encourages the right use of knowledge in improving the health care services offered by health care professionals. The Christian view of biomedical ethics differs from the view by scientism. Modern science biomedical ethics focuses on what is desirable by the patient even if it is terminating the life of the patient. On the other side, Christianity considers life to be sacred, and only God has the power of taking human life. God created human beings and gave them authority over the other creatures. Human beings should use the resources of the universe and God’s given knowledge to make the world a better place of living.
Buber, M. (2015). Eclipse of God: Studies in the relation between religion and philosophy. Princeton University Press.
Levin, J. (2016). Partnerships between the faith-based and medical sectors: Implications for preventive medicine and public health. Preventive Medicine Reports, 4, 344-350.
Magner, L. N., & Kim, O. J. (2017). A history of medicine. CRC Press.
Smith, B. G., & Baker, J. O. (2015). Atheism, Agnosticism, and Irreligion. Emerging trends in the social and behavioral sciences: An interdisciplinary, searchable, and linkable resource, 1-9.
Stenmark, M. (2017). Scientism: Science, ethics and religion. Routledge.