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Willondra Haynes GOVT 2306-21402 DB1

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Willondra Haynes GOVT 2306-21402 DB1

Discussion Board 1


I think that this article has confirmed that the law should be stricter, and he comes to agree with Greg Abbot, but no one has made any further effort to rectify the change for gun laws.  He also speaks on how teachers should be armed at school but there is no way to pervert a mascara from occurring even with teacher carrying. My stance on the Gun laws are that I agree that Texas gun laws should be stricter. I think that parent should take more precautions when it comes to gun control.  As it currently stands Texas gun laws are mainly focused on who and how they can carry a gun versus the consequences of caring, discharging and/or using a gun.  I think that Texas gun laws should put more thought into its actual rules. I think that they should do more extensive background and identification checks. I think that there should be a requirement   for guns to be place under parental lock and key and inaccessible to children/minors. There are many changes that can be made however none of these are guaranteed protection. Though it may be a deterrent to the ones who feel the process is trying.   I agree that it should also be plans in place to recognize early warnings in preventing massacres in schools.   So, my question to you is do you agree with current Texas gun laws?  Do you think teachers should be allowed to carry?  What are things that we as citizens and parents do to change the outcome in some situations?




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