What Happens If You Violate Coronavirus Lockdown in Arizona?
Since the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally, Arizona has been in total lockdown. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey declared a state of emergency on 11th March as a national effort to curb the spread of the virus. During the declaration, Doug issued law enforcement guidelines (executive orders) to be followed. The guidelines aim at protecting citizens’ health and individual liberties in Arizona during the COVID-19 pandemic.
To Ducey, the coronavirus era is a national Health Emergency catastrophe, and Arizona should be resorting to a lockdown. Besides lockdown, quarantine is a must-apply control measure to victims of the diseases. Violator(s) of the set lockdown policies shall face criminal charges or penalties, said governor Ducey. However, if you are residing from Arizona and face lockdown violation charges, you contact a criminal lawyer at Robert A. Dodell Attorney At Law.
Arizona Lockdown violation attracts the following.
Criminal penalties
The states’ governor bears law enforcement authority as vested in A.R.S-“Emergency Management” chapter, Section 26-303 (E)(1). The chapter spells out that a governor has authoritative power over all state agencies in the designated county. Also, the constitution accords the police with powers to enforce the rules to achieve the purposes of the chapter.
The regulations directed by the governor limits individual outdoor activities. Also, other states with confirmed cases of coronavirus apply similar policies to conform to the pandemic. Breach of the rules invites one into coronavirus criminal lockdown violation penalties.
The penalties include a 6-month jail sentence and $20,000 for both individual(s) and business(es). However, When charged with violation of lockdown regulations, you can reach a criminal lawyer at Robert A. Dodell law firm for help.
- Public criminal nuisance charges
According to A.R.S. chapter 4, the statute restricts freedom of movements during a national disaster. And coronavirus is one of the catastrophes that needs to be confined through individual and business liberties. But, law enforcers shouldn’t use excessive force to affect the policies. And that’s why the governor safeguards citizens from excessive enforcement acts.
Firstly, the offender is granted an opportunity to adhere to the orders before issuing a citation. This is because the rules aim at securing the health of Arizona netizens, rather than punishing them. However, failure to follow and adhere to the “comply with opportunity” one invites public nuisance coronavirus charges.
When the enforcement order seeks no criminal charges, the violator will be asked to provide a written citation—and after that, instructed to appear before a court of law.
Violating the coronavirus Emergency Management guidelines is termed as Misdemeanor. And the offense charges include nuisance fine and jail; Although incarceration is rare.
The violation attracts public nuisance penalties because it is a breach of the D.H.S. regulations resulting in class 3 misdemeanor. The governor works with D.H.S. among other agencies to formulate rules governing the county, but with a national consent.
- Prosecution of the violator
An individual can be summoned with more than one offense under some instances of coronavirus criminal lockdown violation. It’s the numerous offenses that allow the violator to be prosecuted in the court of law.
Violating lockdown policies is similar to public nuisance, which both endangers other people’s health. And the Executive Laws regard it as breach and a class 2 misdemeanor making prosecutorial agencies seek court proceedings. The court order is intended to curb or curtail activities of law violations.
The prosecution isn’t intended to charge the violator but for the health safety and of others. Ideally, the law enforcement policies aim to curb lockdown violations rather than prosecuting offender(s). The paradigm is that violator(s) would be accountable for their behavior in place of subjecting one to a jail sentence.
- Steep fines
Arizona joins the rest of U.S.A. states and other nations in steep hooping penalties to violators of curfew and lockdown executive rules. Millions of Arizona residents are locked down at their houses, with a violation attracting $20,000 fine. The fine is as well extended to quarantine lawbreakers.
Violating the government orders risks one into a jail term or fine or both. As per A.R.S., citizens found in an unlawful assembly can be charged and booked for riot engagement.
Regulations imposed by the Arizona government are meant for the welfare of the residents and not to suppress them to containment. The aim is to make each individual accountable for his/her behavior at the phase of coronavirus infestation. The crisis calls for total cooperation for the state’s netizens. However, you can call a criminal lawyer at Robert A. Dodell law firm when law summoned with coronavirus criminal lockdown violation charges. And have your claim face proper legal prosecution.