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Juan Monteverde is a world-class attorney situated in New york. Who practices National Class law that focuses on matters regarding investors and consumers. Juan Monteverde was a model student who received his Bachelor of Science in finance from the California State University of Northridge. He also received his Juris Doctor Degree from St. Thomas University School of Law, where he graduated with distinction, which is the highest Law degree in the United States.


Juan Monteverde is an overachiever. After nearly a decade of working in multiple firms and heading his department in one of them. He felt that he had a strong footing and was prepared to start his firm. It didn’t take long. He founded a company by the name Monteverde and Associates Professional Corporation. The firm represented shareholders in circumstances where financial damages, corporate fraud or misleading Advertising were experienced.


Juan Monteverde is a very skilled attorney and has been selected by Super Lawyers many times. He was regarded as a New york rising star in securities litigation and chosen by Martindale Hubbel as a Top-rated Lawyer. He has contributed his opinions on many topics either on request or when he has insight into particular situations of public interest. This includes regular speaking appointments at ACI, PLI, ABA, and other conferences centered around mergers or executive Compensations.


Juan Monteverde has done sizable written works in the form of Articles concerning compensations and securities litigations. In his works, he has enabled minority shareholders to acknowledge their rights and allowed the ones who feel their voices have been drowned by the majority shareholders to be heard. He is known to work cases himself where shareholders have failed to get their worth for their shares.


He also ensures he improves the merger process itself and ensures that regulations are adequately enforced. Juan Monteverde emphasizes the protection of minority shareholders and their rights, which have been put in place to protect them from majority shareholders—preventing them from taking advantage. One example is the Idea of fiduciary duty; It is the notion that majority shareholders have a responsibility to deal with minority shareholders with care, good faith, and loyalty.


Juan Monteverde is a man who has dedicated his life to protecting the minority in business, and his strategy is don’t go home till all the work is done and has proven to be the best in his line of work.


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