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Quality improvements are defined as a systematic, data-driven activity aimed at improving immediate health care provider service delivery in a particular setting. Quality improvement in the health care industry has been suggested over the past 40 years to be measured by its structure, processes results. This includes measuring the healthcare quality, accessibility, affordability, and efficiency of services like health insurance, hospital bed capabilities, and the number of advanced education nurses. These can be measured by structure indicators. Process or method assessments assess the provision by physicians and providers of health care services. This can be something like as using diabetic patient treatment guidelines. The results test show the final outcome and environmental and behavioral factors can affect healthcare. Among the indicators are patient satisfaction, rate of mortality, and the general health progress. Nursing services are essential for human survival thus quality improvement is an important aspect of ensuring that these services are of good standards. This can be measured by observing the structure, process, and outcomes of the hospitals.

However, QI has to be a continuous process and it’s normally used in healthcare in conjunction with Total Quality Management. In several hospitals, Quality Assurance schemes problems are usually addressed by the regulations or accreditations organizations, for instance, the supervision of documentation, the review of the work of supervising committees, and analyzing of work provided by the accrediting organization are the general objective of QI. An approach by Clinicians’ attempted to understand the complexity of the delivery of health care through a team, identifies a goal, collects information, evaluates findings, and then translates them into a change in practice. These models, management, and clinical engagement and engagement prove essential for the successful implementation of change. Besides, management’s commitment to the project, communicating its aims, and empowering staff have been emphasized in other quality improvement strategies.


Medical science is also seeing countless advances in the world where science and technological evolution is at its peak. However, the health system is well below appropriate standards when meeting the needs of patients, ensuring protection, system efficiency, and improving quality. We have only seen a medical system in which doctors rely on the conventional use of pen paper, memory and little extra research to improve the treatment of patients. The medical environment needs to calls for a deliberate redesign to improve the healthcare system reliably, cost-effectively, and continuously. Science and technology are designed to improve quality by improving safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Therefore, the modernization of the health care system calls for respect for advanced approaches and tools proven to change. Software such as the iPatient Care Electronic Health Record offers the user-centric interface of doctor offices or clinics and is simple and intuitive electronic medical records. This tool helps hospitals to become more trustworthy and efficient during the treatment process and to devote more time to good care.

Improved quality of health care means a health organization’s systemic approach, which tracks, reviews, and enhances standards of health care in terms of quality. To achieve better performance, the business organizational chain is cyclical and needs continuous improvements. Continuous improvements in healthcare practices can lead to outdated conventional frameworks for health care organizations and use science and technology tools to work effectively and therefore to achieve better results. Adopting the validated quality and advanced strategies used in healthcare systems such as Practice Management System, Patient Interaction and Care Planning Software improves the effectiveness, consistency, and simplification of healthcare processes. The evolution of technology has led to quality improvements that are directly linked to service delivery, patient satisfaction, efficiency, and results. An effective leadership plan integrates quality assurance standards to achieve an increase in efficiency and a stable health system in the organization.


In recent decades healthcare has undergone an explosion of innovations aimed at increasing life expectancy and quality of life thanks to enhanced diagnostic and therapeutic options. With health organizations facing unprecedented quality enhancing challenges, reducing harm, improving access, improving effectiveness, eliminating waste, and reducing costs, innovation is once again becoming an important focus.  Most innovations in recent decades have been focused on the production of new diagnostic processes, medications, drugs, or medical devices.   Such innovations include new pharmaceutical agents and procedures (for example stents) to more accurate diagnostic scanners and robots that can perform operations. Though these advances have yielded some impressive results, they were fairly narrowly oriented and largely progressive.

The innovation of antiseptics, in the 1870s, made life-saving procedures possible and contributed to significant and enduring public health advancements. More so, At the start of the twentieth century, a few dozen visionary clinicians laid the foundations for modern clinical care by designing the initial physical layout and the operational structure of the modern hospital. They established the basic four-year curriculum for medical schools, defined the education needs for postgraduate personnel, implemented stringent licensing standards for doctors, and launched the first modern nursing practices. Innovation has been greatly been integrated into the healthcare industry. For instance, the technology has established a large, ubiquitous, and increasingly cheap processing ability. Electronic health records have been widely adopted. These trends combined with advancements in analytical software, mobile technologies, sensors, and genomic sequence have enabled the capture and analysis of vast amounts of patient information, and it has improved the service provided (John, 2014).

Integration of innovation in the health care will speed up and bring about rapid progress in key areas such as prevention, more tailor-made treatment specifically for the genetic profile and needs of the patient, more effective and more responsive technology-enabled treatment models, more streamlined and inclusive delivery organizational structures and additional innovative technologies.

Complexity affects the leadership styles in that many results emerge that is, unplanned results and sometimes non-linear results. Because of its uncertainty, findings in the name of institutional continuity are often ignored (Marion & Bien, 2017). Complexity management requires three forms of leadership function: adaptive, facilitating, and administrative. Administrative leadership reflects the actions and goods and portrays a less formal and regulated view of how we see leadership in organizations today. While some of the hierarchic structure is essential, this role is both bureaucratic and counterproductive in excessive control and hierarchical systems (Marion & Bien, 2017). Adaptive leadership is a movement of change that produces adaptive results from member interactions. Examples of member collaboration that is linked to a particular aim are shared ideas, information, resources, and other aspects, which do not represent anyone but a collective emergence (Carley, 2018).

Finally, leadership facilitates and catalyzes adaptive leadership through interdependency, stress, and conflict management. Leadership is an opportunity for informal leaders who are coordinating the interaction between adaptive and administrative leadership. This enables leaders to counteract unhealthy administrative control. To sum up, leadership complexity depends on the success of the organizational organization, relying on mechanisms such as teamwork and solution of problems to achieve successful performance.

Most programs to date have based their research on expanding access, enhancing development, creating financial incentives, and a few other targeted initiatives. While other conceptual studies have been applying system thinking and system principles in the health sector. By failing to take a holistic approach, these initiatives do not tackle the underlying problem of poor quality: poorly organized organizational contexts and processing inefficiencies occurring on multiple levels. When not taken into account, these interconnected upstream variables deteriorate the interaction between health care service providers and patients, leading to poor outcomes.

The importance of systems thinking is that it integrates the structure, process, and outcome SPO model by Donabedian (1988). The basis for the development of the healthcare system is by improving the levels of the health system, the goals of the health system, and adopting six dimensions of the quality care system by Crossing Quality Chasm. The health systems assess systemic inputs, the health system rates of tackling process problems, and aims to determine results for both the program and the patient. The adapted measurements of quality improvement are described as cross-cutting, and they are appropriate for the evaluation of the structure, process, and outcomes of health care quality, according to the system thinking viewpoint.  It is prudent to urge nations and leaders to aim at enhancing the experience of patients to follow this program based approach and view healthcare as a social-technical structure (Hodsden, 2018).

In other words, the provision of health care services is given under a variety of real-world circumstances that do not look like other randomized clinical trials’ cautious setting. Many experiences and health care incidents in positive results and it can be as enlightening to achieve quality progress as to understand why such outcomes are not being accomplished. This will help achieve quality healthcare, which can be modified to ensure consistent and optimal efficiency in response to disturbance. At the same time, though, it must be noted that the consistency of outcomes can be greatly influenced by the interpretation and integration of human behaviors, including the design of processes and interventions.

Conflicts between physicians on the job, which have been encountered in their families in a surprising degree, and conflict resolution skills employed by most physicians reflect those modeled by parents or other significant individuals at home (with no sense that they were mentors and behaving instinctually — even in their worst circumstances). No wonder the outcomes of our attempts to resolve disputes related to the work of the models are sometimes mediocre and often disastrous. Friendly relationships and collaboration are crucial to ensure patient protection and the highest quality of treatment.

An emergent approach to conflict resolution is by preventative intervention in medical practices it ensures that realist behavioral expectancies are identified and accepted at the beginning of the relationship. A relationship agreement or practical principles may provide practitioners with guidelines and criteria to evaluate their behavior, as well as that of their colleagues, collaboratively formed and self-enforced. Such a manual may be used to routinely analyze person and community behavioral expectations and encourage participants to have self-corrected or diverted themselves, rather than punishment or practice. Automated requirements, with a scheduled periodic evaluation and expectation analysis, ensure that they are still common, complex, and applicable criteria. The operation of the Community itself gives every person some confidence that other people who have agreed to adhere are applying standards universally.

In a group setting, behavioral preferences should be taken into account by leaders in the concepts of action before the group integrates. This can be done in existing groups if the group feels it is an essential topic. There is a need for everybody to have learned of the mission building, and while this mechanism often occurs in health settings, if you don’t think so, you may ask how many of your members should say, or even paraphrase your institution’s purpose, vision, and values. Such expectations can be a part of the issue. This is usually a product of the unsatisfactory resolution of a major conflict.


Efficient communication is a key aspect of effective QI, more broadly, the provision of secure and high-quality health care services. Previous research has also shown that QI initiatives that, whether intentionally or by chance, improve the rates of contact between organizations. Complex communication can be used to provide details about a specific entity, topic, event, or program conveyed to the audience. For example, the assessment of single to single interactions between healthcare users and providers is often evaluated on a case-by-case basis. It is harder for communications effectiveness to be quantified by conventional actions on large-scale QI initiatives or other change programs. It is partially because it is difficult to determine the results of a single action by using multiple means of communication.

The communications strategy can make it possible for messages to be clearly and regularly be framed and information relevant to a wide variety of measures to be communicated. It affirms the aim and purpose of the Campaign for frontline staff to encourage a continuous involvement in the activities of the Campaign. And plays a crucial role in increasing visibility and understanding of the patient safety agenda thus improving quality. The funding and advancement of IQ programs can be accomplished by systematic and organized communication, by integrating communication packages in the current QI strategy.

Having emotional intelligence can help in providing quality services. This refers to the essential social skills in which you and others recognize, translate, and react constructively to emotions. The term implies easiness around other people and determines the ability to lead efficiently and effectively and successfully. An ER patient for instance with great fear that they feel like they’re going to die is a perfect example of the value of emotionally integrated thinking. The rhythm of the heart is can be normal, vital signs are stable and laboratories are appropriate. However, this argument could be dismissed by a nurse who “objectively” excludes feelings from thought and accuse the patients as being anxious. But an emotional competent nurse takes the feeling of imminent destruction as data and integrates it in evaluation and planning. This integration of thought and experience leads to a healthier and quality patient environments.

There is a greater chance of balance when thoughts and feelings are carefully incorporated. This leads to a greater understanding of either the over/under feeling and over/underthinking, which is one of the early indicators of burnout, consistently. The clinical skill is known as “urgency feeling” requires not only sufficient emotional intelligence but also the regulation of self-awareness. For instance, in a case where a nurse lost a patient due to a heart attack, they must make sure that they don’t overreact as a result of that.

Understanding how emotions work can also prevent protocol errors by health care providers. For example, fear is an emotion that can make adjustments to prescribed procedures self-justified. For instance, during the Ebola outbreak, some nurses and medical practitioners used triple gloves in fear, although the protocol suggested the use of double gloves. Subsequently, safety studies found that as a result of the lack of emotional intelligence, this fear significantly increased the risk of contamination by the health workers. The procedural change was triggered by fear and was increased instead of decreasing the risk. This shows that treatment is better when nurses understand how anxiety can affect clinical behavior. By having nurses with emotional intelligence, such cases can be avoided and as a result, improve the quality of the services that they provide.

Leadership’s dedication to safety is essential to the creation of organizational safety culture (Carnino, Manasse, 2012). Though management has the greatest potential to control and incorporate all classes of the organization into one cohesive organization by articulating the principles, improving expectations, and providing opportunities for desirable behaviors.


Words alone are a tool for inefficient management. The dedication to leadership must be expressed by behavior that can be witnessed by employees (Spath, 2017).

This dedication can be seen by boards of directors in their institutions under supervision frequently and closely monitoring the health of the patients (IOM, 2000). Continued preparation to understand the values and activities of a security culture. Among the actions that can be taken to reduce toxicity is by ensuring that the company has a strategic plan to ensure that quality health is a priority. Ensuring that the facilities are wide for patient safety policies and procedures, specifying specific roles and management strategies, and requiring individual workers to clarify how their actions impact the health of patients (Spath, 2017).

Threat dynamics tracking, ensuring the achievement of compliance goals. Taking a strong interest in improving safety and respecting those who accomplish it, not restricting their attention to circumstances in which a safety issue occurs. Examination of the organization’s safety status regularly (e.g. annual) and define short term and long term safety targets. Having regular reviews of the organization’s protection measures to ensure that existing and expected conditions are appropriate. Having safety measure as a priority in the meeting agenda, and encouraging workers to have safety issues questioning mentality. Lastly having goals to enhance safety issues in the areas of responsibility of managers directly. When these actions are put in place, chances of toxicity in the organization will be minimized to great extends.

There are several frameworks for management changes and different components of the frameworks, but most models define the changes process through three general phases: planning for change, transformation, and institutionalization. It is important to understand the context in which the transition takes place before any change initiative is taken (e.g. present culture, readiness, and environment). During this point in the cycle of transition, leaders will define the vision and expectations for the desired future and recognize leaders of transition.


Defining the change; having an established image of the future state will eliminate employee misunderstanding and better clarify the scope and nature of the program and who will be affected. Evaluation; each organization’s culture, principles, and values both form formal and informal policies and practices. An appreciation of this culture and the degree to which quality already exists will affect the move towards a sustainable quality culture. It is also useful to evaluate organizational and personnel readiness by gathering data on employee satisfaction, available resources (e.g. technology, employees), changes history, perceived success rate, degree of resistance, internal strengths and vulnerability as well as external challenges and opportunities.

In transitioning; the change leaders should create change management strategies that will include key objectives, priorities, and priorities at this stage of the process of change; preparation strategies; distribution of tasks; allocation of resources; and communication policies. The QI strategy will be a major component of change management preparation when creating a quality culture as it involves concrete quality goals, including training and communications needs. Resistance evaluation and management continuously is also very relevant.

Lastly Institutionalization; after the introduction of the change management and/or QI strategies, leaders will review progress, understand where there are gaps, and define the next steps to preserve progress and corrective action. At this point, the transition will be an integral part of both the formal and informal culture e.g. implementing official quality standards, incorporating the performance appraisal process, and hosting ongoing celebrations for productive celebrations.

A personal management plan ought to be a living text. You will periodically review it to ensure that you tackle the areas that you have defined for your development and follow the time frames that you have set to assume new responsibilities, develop new skills, etc. The completion of the plan’s objectives does not entail significant adjustments to how you function or learn. After all, the program is built to keep you through and not fully starting. However, you should include many activities to help your growth as a leader in your daily routine.

It is important to seek feedback as this will discuss how well you are rising as a leader and how you can continue to better your team and colleagues. It is also necessary, whether it is other units within your organization or third party partners with whom you usually do not communicate, to seek input from groups. Such groups give a perspective different from those who routinely work with you. Taking time to reflect is also vital as leaders are very responsible for juggling. Taking time every morning to reflect and consider what went well and how things should have changed, to determine the most important tasks by reflecting on your observations or perspectives.

Mentors are important to personal leadership growth, either as a source of guidance or in conjunction with networking opportunities. A mentor must be found who can take part in daily meetings and give honest input, someone who just asks you what you want to do will impede your development unintentionally. Your mentor may be your current boss, an executive officer, a consultant, or a valued personal figure.

In conclusion. Organizational and systems leadership can be improved trough through the quality improvement process by observing its structure, processes, and results. Integrating science and technology, innovation, minimizing toxicity in organizations, using emotional competence in the health care services provision, apply conflict management and resolution principles by using leadership principles in the implementation of the quality improvement.


Carley, K. (2018). On the evolution of social and organizational networks. JAI Press Special Issue of Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 16, 3-30.

Carnino A, Director, Division of Nuclear Installation Safety, International Atomic Energy Agency. Undated. Management of Safety, Safety Culture, and Self-Assessment. [Online]. Available: http://www​​/nusafe/publish/papers/mng_safe.htm [accessed May 10, 202].

Hodsden S. FDA (2018) clarifies human factor studies for medical device and combination product design. https://www​.meddeviceonline​.com/doc/fda-clarifies-human-factor-studies-for-medical-device-and-combination-product-design-0001.

John Haughom. D (2014) Innovation in Healthcare: Why It’s Needed and Where It’s Going. Journal of Healthcare Management, 53(5), 319-332.

Marion, R., & Bien, M. (2017). Paradigmatic influence and leadership: The perspectives of complexity theory and bureaucracy theory. In J. K. Hazy, J. Goldstein & B. Lichtenstein (Eds.), Complex Systems Leadership Theory (pp. 143-159). New York, NY: ISCE Publishing.

Spath P. 2017. Does your facility have a “patient-safe” climate? Hospital Peer Review 25:80–82.





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