a pragmatic opinion
As a follower, I had a pragmatic opinion where I always took independent decisions when it comes to focusing on organizational goals on a personal level. for me to be pragmatic I had to identify my strengths and my weaknesses to improve on the weaknesses and retaining my strengths in achieving these goals as an individual. Also, by identifying the opportunity and threats available in achieving these goals is very important. These threats from the scarcity of the resources that may hinder the achievement of these goals as general. Besides, opportunities come as a result of the availability of resources when working towards goals. By being Extravert I was being able to create a good relationship with others thus making it possible to be linked with other people’s team works and the offices. Also, being able to make friendships makes it possible to fit in all group works. Additionally, being flexible as my strength and being confident makes it possible to work towards the goals and also achieving the leadership qualities. Followers being sensible to all the changes is very important. By being aware of the upcoming issues in the organization makes it possible to identify strengths and opportunities in achieving these goals. Also, being sensitive makes the follower to identify the threat and weaknesses that may hinder them from arriving into their goal. Feelings are demands that a follower may share with the leaders in the achievement of goals. The leaders require the external demands that come from their followers. These feelings assist the followers in the achievement of goals as they can express their views to their leaders as personal. By, judging on the abilities and objectives it will enable the follower to come up with a statement on how to curb the threats and weaknesses as general. The directive style of leadership enabled me to set my goals and objectives clearly .the supportive skills empowered me to equip other followers on the skills to ensure smooth working conditions for all. I also used the participative style where every teamwork members were to raise their views. This style improved my strength and enabled me to identify my strengths by accepting correction from the members. I also applied the Achievement-oriented style where I made high teamwork goals and enable me to achieve other goals.