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Administrative procedure and implementation of healthcare policies

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Administrative procedure and implementation of healthcare policies are based on the level of expertise and knowledge a nurse is having in a particular institution. There are several reasons why nurses should be involved in the political grounds of an institution, such as being highly skilled and highly engaging. Political analysis is an initiative that includes critical evaluation of an issue and coming up with an effective strategy and persons to help in solving the problem. The process consists of an in-depth analysis of diverse sectors, including; organizations and government, private and public, individuals and how they behave, and other factors including; economic, political, social, and historical. All the elements must revolve around the same policies of coming up with effective ways of dealing with the situations at hand.

This paper will present a case scenario where a spectator suffers cardiac arrest during a schools’ athletic event. It results that the Automatic emergency defibrillator (AED) is nowhere to be found; hence they have to wait until the emergency squad arrives. Later, on Monday, the institution’s nurse realized that the AED was somewhere at the custodian’s office. The text will help to understand what the real issue is and all the processes involved in solving the problem.

What is the issue?

The main issue in this scenario is the failure to keep crucial medical tools where they are supposed to be. Also, there is an issue of improper communication between working personnel in various organizations around the school. For instance, the home team coach, who is a member of the school’s extra-curriculum activities, is unable to find the Automatic Emergency Defibrillators (AED), and yet he works there. According to Burton et al. (2015), as the school nurse, it was challenging to figure out that the equipment was somewhere locked in the custodian’s office.

Is it my issue, and can I solve it?

As the school nurse, it is 100% my responsibility to keep track of every medical equipment. It is my responsibility to always inquire about all the school events which may need medical tools in case of the risk of injuries and other related occurrences. However, I can solve the situation by doing thorough research to ensure that the same problem does occur again in the future.

Is this the real issue or merely a symptom of a larger one?

From my point of view, the current issue may seem to be the only problem, but in a real sense, it is a symptom of a vast one. In the worst-case scenario, the athletic spectator may suffer more damages with is heart condition resulting from the delay which occurred while waiting for the emergency squad to arrive. This may lead to the poor reputation of the school and its ways of anticipating the emerging crisis. Also, the National Sports Authority may deny the school other chances of hosting athletic championships since they suppose that the school is not ready for emergencies that may occur.


Is it likely to go away by itself?

Unless solved appropriately, the chances of such an issue going away are meager. Addressing the problem immediately is adequate because it will reduce the probability of such a case happening in the future. Also, every person from different organizations will be able to be responsible enough to figure out where every equipment is kept. For instance, the school’s coach could have prepared a day or a week before the event to keep equipment at the right place in case of worst-case scenarios Montalvo, (2015).

What are the possible solutions? Are there risks to these solutions?

Every problem has a solution by the end of the say, and this issue is no exception. After critical and analytical evaluation, coming up with solutions is more comfortable. I think the first solution is conducting a general and immediate meeting involving all the departments in the school compound. The main agenda would be discussing areas where essential tools should be kept. Also, the other solution is hiring personnel you will be available on the school premises all the time to maintain the keys of equipment. Medical tools should only be held in the nurse’s offices and returned immediately after use. Also, the school’s authority should implement realistic consequences for everyone who fails to adhere to the rules, as it is stated by Van Aken, & Berends, (2018).

The solutions are very general, realistic, and direct to the point; hence there would be no risk implementing them.

Steps to take to solve the problem?

  1. Identifying the problem

Identifying the problems involves coming up with the main issues at hand. Also, it consists of having a session where every member gets to share their views of the problems since people have diverse perspectives.

  1. Understanding the interests of everyone

In a group discussion on the matter at hand, every person’s view is crucial and should be taken seriously.

  1. Listing possible solution

After getting all the views aired by everyone, consider coming up with a list of realistic solutions. This step is necessary since you’ll use brainstorming to get all possible opinions.

  1. Evaluating the solution

At this phase, differentiate the most reasonable options from the least reasonable ones to make the process easier and faster. Also, make a listing of the solutions and evaluation processes differently to give you ample time to take and tackle every opinion.

  1. Selecting a solution

After evaluating and balancing the solutions, select the most suitable and measurable options to solve the issue at hand.

  1. Documenting the settlement

Regardless of your memory capacity, it is necessary to write down the agreed solutions. This will enhance faster referencing whenever a related issue occurs.

  1. Agree of monitoring, evaluation, and possibilities

In the future, the present occurrences may change, and hence you need to make adequate contingencies, evaluation, and monitoring strategies.

Does anyone else at the school need to be involved in the solution?

A high school is a world-class institution with diverse internal and external shareholders. Henceforth, it is wise as the nurse to figure out the most suitable person in contributing to the problem at hand. Also, a high school has different departments form finance, to the kitchen, to security, to administration. Here everyone has a vital role to play. First, the school administration headed by the principal and the deputy principal is the primary sector to attend the problem-solving meeting. The administration holds every document concerning all the equipment around the school environs.

Moreover, other active personnel to attend the meeting are the school’s extra-curricular department. This is where medical facilities are most needed as students involved in many sports activities in the course of their study Pilcher & Graebe, (2018). Also, the catering department should be part and puzzle of the problem-solving process since they are exposed to more perils of burns when making meals for the students, staff, and the subordinate staff members.

Where is the power leverage in the school to reach the preferred solution?

Power leverage

Blais (2015) notes that power leverage is significant because it enables you to achieve balance in your workplace and your life generally. In a high school environment, power leverage will allow the healthcare department to provide quality services to the students and members of staff. It will also ensure that medical care equipment is always available.

Sources of power

There are various sources of power that can be implemented in this case scenario. You have to very realistic when choosing the skills that suit the situation. The most common sources of energy include; expert power, legitimate power, referent power, reward power, information power, coercive power, persuasion power, connection power, and empowerment.

Powers that the school nurse has in this situation

First, as the school nurse, you have full legitimate power concerning health care matters. You have the mandate to ask for proper maintenance of clinical equipment such as an automatic emergency defibrillator. This way, people will respect and return the tools after use. The second power to be leveraged by a school nurse is an expert. You have the expert power in all health care equipment in the school clinic since that is your area of specialty. Besides, you have the referent power since you are the leader of the school clinic. You also have persuasion power in this situation. You have to convince other people of the importance of handling clinical tools and keeping the clinical tools at the appropriate place. Lastly, you should have information power. All other controls cannot be implemented without having the right information and data concerning the situation at hand.

The reason why all the mentioned powers are crucial is that they play a vital role in coming up with realistic and analytical solutions concerning the issue Manojlovich, (2007).


Consequently, preparedness and organizing ways to deal with crisis anticipation is crucial is every field especially in the healthcare sector. However, failure to keep track of simple things can result to the peril of loss of life among other damages. However, it the duty of every nurse to learn effective political analysis and strategies of dealing with emerging issues. Most issues require immediate action to prevent future perils related to loss among other. Nurses should leverage their power effectively to enhance their productivity and efficiency in a particular institution.

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