All You Need To Know About Magnet Fishing
Do you want to know what magnet fishing is all about? If yes, then you’re in the right place. Perhaps you’ve already heard about magnet fishing and how thrilling it could be. With many people beginning to buy into the idea, you need to understand in detail what it is all about before you venture into it. This is your ultimate guide on anything you need to know about this valuable hobby. Scroll through to learn about this simply exciting hobby.
What is Magnet Fishing?
You have likely seen a person going through a pile of crap with a metal detector looking for valuable metal pieces. Just as metal detectors used on land, magnetic fishing involves the search of these valuable pieces with the only difference being that this is done in water bodies. With statistics showing that most of the world’s metals find their way to our water sources, you can likely strike major luck out here.
How do I get started?
Well, you probably understand the setup needed when going out fishing. It is not new that you’ll need some form of a hook, a line, and a sinker. With magnet fishing, you’ll too need a good magnet, which will in this case act as the hook and sinker. You will also require a line that is strong enough to hold your magnet. You should be careful when choosing a line to avoid cases where your magnet is stuck on a heavier metal whose weight ends up cutting it. Different from normal fishing where one has to wait for a while before knowing if there is fish in the waters, magnet fishing offers almost instant results. You simply cast the line and pull it out to see what you’ve caught. You can magnet fish at a larger area than one could do in normal fish angling.
Things to know about perfect fishing magnets
It is basic knowledge that one will need a strong magnet to increase the chances of attracting both tiny and bigger metallic objects in the water body. There are many magnet providers online but you need to ensure that what you purchase is strong enough and can be attached to a rope comfortably. You also have to remember that, your magnet’s full attraction force can be only utilized if the magnet is flat to the surface of the object. However, most of these metallic objects deep in the water are soiled up in some dirt thus creating a huge barrier. As such, we advise that you search around for the strongest magnets for magnet fishing.
Why is a neodymium magnet preferred?
Well, these magnets are rare and widely known to have the strongest pull force as compared to other types in the market. A small compact neodymium magnet will have an extremely powerful force than normal ones. While magnet fishing, it is important that you use less heavy magnets with a relatively stronger force. However, you should be aware that strong neodymium magnets come with risks too. Their force can be destructive to electronics and might even cause injuries if not handled well especially around sharp objects. There is a common urge amongst individuals to join two magnets together and enjoy the pull force between them. However, bringing two neodymium magnets together may shatter them into pieces due to their intense force. For instance, a small neodymium magnet weighing 3lbs could have a force stronger than 500lbs. Those meant for magnet fishing come with a counter-sunk screw, making it possible to fasten an eyebolt for secure line attachment.
Which line/Rope should you choose?
It is advisable to settle on the type of magnet to use before choosing a line for it. This is because you need a rope strong enough to match the weight of not only your magnet but also carry the weight of targeted metallic objects. It is also advisable to choose a rope that is double the strength of your magnet. For instance, if your magnet has a pull force of about 300pounds, then you should go for a rope whose strength is about 600 pounds or more. Most people prefer nylon ropes due to their strength, durability, and ease of making a knot. Also, consider your rope lengths based on the depths of your water bodies.
Where to go for magnet fishing
There is a wide range of places to magnet fish. You don’t need to go to a lake, ocean, or big rivers. You can easily find magnet fishing a worth experience by simply opting for ponds, swamps, creeks, and dams among other water bodies. To increase the chances of getting valuable objects, opt for water bodies near busy urban areas or near metallic industries.
What treasures can one find?
When magnet fishing, It’s not about whether you find an object or not. There are millions of metallic objects out there. The joy and success of magnet fishing are finding a precious metal. You could come across a bullet, ancient coins, weapons, unexploded bombs, anchors, ancient necklaces, bracelets among many others. Try magnet fishing around areas with a rich history, to increase your chances of coming across a precious piece.
Can one buy a magnet fishing kits?
With the exercise getting popular each day, companies are now tailoring their packages more affordably for you. Apart from what we have already discussed above in lines, ropes, and magnets, your kit will have a wide range of things such as gloves, sunglasses, a brush, and even storage for your finds. Check around for super deals closer to you.
Is magnet fishing suitable for beginners?
If there is ever a type of fishing that is simple and easy, it’s magnet fishing. All you need is to find the necessary supplies. There’s not much difference between beginners and the experienced when it comes to magnet fishing. When you follow basic guidelines on magnet fishing and adhere to the things outlined in this article, you are suitable for magnet fishing.