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American Culture in Fight against Coronavirus Pandemic

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American Culture in Fight against Coronavirus Pandemic

Pandemic is an infectious disease which hits a wide area geographically and affects a large portion of the population. In the 20th century influenza pandemic was the talk of the United States of America Western Europe as this disease hit badly these regions. The spread of pandemic is much faster at the moment Pandemic is an infectious disease which contact is made to the surfaces containing its viruses or bacteria. Culture as defined are beliefs , values, lifestyles, background, habits or behavior portrayed by a group of people living in a particular geographic area. The pandemic of the 21th century and still the talk of the people is the Corona Virus which started in Wuhan City, Eastern Province of China on 31st December 2019 and has spread almost to every country globally at the moment. All scientific experts across the globe are trying to research and get its antibodies as fast as possible because its effects are high as deaths do increase every time. Basing on the culture, Americans have different cultures which can help in controlling and fueling of this pandemic as discussed below.

First the culture which can help in controlling the spread of Corona Virus is scientific expertise of the United States of America citizens is incomparable to any other citizens from other countries. To be specific the health field, the Americans are respected and honored worldwide. If the health experts bring together their knowledge and try to help each other in researching and get to a conclusion of how Corona Virus spreads, affects body immunity and eventually how to control and finally get into scientific laboratories to research and get its vaccine. The knowledge the American people have invested in research facilities is the only help and solution will enable the control and fight against this pandemic. The whole world is waiting to hear the say and research invented by the American scientific experts so the world is much waiting because of the respected innovations made before by Americans.

Secondly, the culture which can help in cabbing this pandemic is better medical and health facilities. The United States of America governments in the past have really and continue to invest in improving and building better health facilities for its citizens. These better facilities on the American soil will help in reducing deaths occurring each day in the country. This virus has no antibodies at the moment and gives much risk to American population because research on vaccine is still underway. The better medical facilities available will help in reducing the harshness of the virus through provision of mass testing kits, providing self-isolation rooms and ventilators to the infected persons and early detected patients. Also, the available medical research reports on various past diseases can provide guidelines to people and health workers battling out this pandemic.

Despite having cultures which may help in controlling this pandemic, there are others which help in fueling the spread of this pandemic namely; arrogance to the public messaging. Many of the American citizens feel much proud and superior to the guidelines provided by the health workers concerning the spread of this pandemic. For example, youths do defy the social distancing by crowding in bars, parks and public beaches. A more saddening clip that moved across social media showing people enjoying and feeling no fear on Clearwater beach in   much annoying. despite the measures in place to avoid contact with each other since the virus do spread by contact with contaminated surfaces or fluids released during coughing or sneezing by infected person. Another show of arrogance to public messaging is hoarding of hand sanitizers and toilet papers by vendors in the market. These items have turned to be essential in fight against this pandemic, as they try to help in controlling of its viruses but the vendors have turned it into a profit making business thus reducing its supply to the citizens.

Another culture which helps in spread of this pandemic is one structural administration. This kind of administration is much progressed by bureaucratic form of administration. The United States of America is a country with several units of administration and each unit is independent from influence or control by the other. Some of the states in America do practice independently their tests for their suspected Corona Virus citizens and do delay clear report concerning the spread of the pandemic. As one unit delays on timely reporting and provision of required necessities in fight against this pandemic it causes total delay for the whole country at large. Also, Mr. Trump contradictions in first place when this virus was first recorded in the United States of America led to delayed fight against it. Mr. Trump always assured Americans to keep calm and avoid unnecessary panic since the virus was not in the United States of America. Things came to change when mass deaths and infections started to be recorded from various hospitals in the United States of America. As Mr. Trump was being seen as the country’s president he really helped in losing focus of the fight against the pandemic too.

In conclusion, the Corona Virus is real and at the moment there is no vaccine discovered and the only way to avoid its spread is to stay away from infected individuals and surfaces. This can be achieved by considering social distancing, ensuring general cleanliness of hand and surfaces you touch frequently.  In case of early detected signs of cough, sneeze or body aches visit any nearest health facility for medical assistance. Together we shall win against this pandemic and does not require any one to show mighty over other because we are all equal at the moment of this Corona Virus.


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