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American Imperialism

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American Imperialism

What was the “new imperialism”? When was it? How was it different from the “old imperialism”?

The new imperialism was experienced in the late 19th century and the early 20th century and was characterized in the colonial expansion period by the European powers, which are Japan as well as the United States. The new imperialism is different from the old imperialism as the previous focus on overtaking nations and the latter focused on the systems of trade.

What were some of the causes of US imperialism in the 1890s?

In the 1890s, there were certain influential Americans who had political reasons to expand America to the Pacific. Another cause for US imperialism was the future needs for raw materials that were not available in America. Additionally, America believed that they have had the responsibility to civilize the inferior communities.

What were some of the U.S.’ pre-Civil War imperialistic efforts?

The efforts were to gain control and possession of all harbors, ports, military equipment, public property, and buildings belonging to the islands of Hawaii.

Describe Hawaii’s sugar plantations and trade before the 1890s. When did the US annex it and what long-term change did that bring?

It was in 1802 that an unidentified Chinese man created the first sugar mill in Hawaii but later returned to China. Later on, in 1835, Ladd & Co established Old Sugar Mill, which was the first site for sugar plantation that exported molasses, and sugar to the US in 1836. By the 1840s, sugarcane farming was the footstool for Hawaii but in 1848, Hawaiian people were displaced from that land by a division law refereed as The Great Mahele. It was in 1850 that the law allowed foreign residents to leases and buy land. There was a decline in sales when California obtained its statehood in 1850. However, when the American Civil War started in 1861, demand increased since shipping from the Sothern side had been declined. In 1875, there was a Reciprocity Treaty that permitted the selling of sugar by Hawaii to the US without tax or duty payments. By 1890, most of the sugarcane plantation land was privately owned by various foreign businesspersons. It was in 1898 that the US annexed Hawaii, which led to the extension of their territory to the Pacific resulting from economic integration making the US rise to a Pacific power.

What were the origins of the Spanish-American War? Who was “the Butcher” and how did Americans learn about him? How did Spain respond to President William McKinley’s demand that Spain leaves Cuba?

The Spanish-American War had two immediate reasons among many. One was because of the mysterious explosion in Havana Harbor of the U.S Maine battleship. The other reason was the support that the Americans gave the Filipinos and the Cubans on opposing the Spanish rule. General Valeriano Weyler was known as the “Butcher” and the Americans learned about him after the rebellion that happened in the Philippines. When President William McKinley demanded Spain to leave Cuba, he had already made his decision and Spain agreed.

According to McKinley’s War Message to Congress, what was the American rationale for declaring war against Spain? What role did Congress play in declaring war?

The war between America and Spain happened after the explosion of the American Maine, which led the latter to be on the blame. Due to this, the Americans demanded war to make Cuba independent. However, McKinley did not want war but had to do it as many Americans were for it. In this case, his message to congress was a demand for Cuba’s immediate ceasefire as well as offering help in ending the revolt.  The president of Congress signed the resolution of Spanish breaking relations with Cuba and war was declared.

What were the provisions of the Teller Amendment? Why was it included in the declaration of war?

The Teller Amendment had the intention to take control over Cuba and thereafter make peace and leave the island to its people as well as the government. This Amendment was included in declaring war by Congress to avoid the US from occupying Cuba but to help the people of Cuba acquire their independence from Spain.

What was not one of the causes of the war? Why did it never-the-less play an important role in the Spanish-American War?

The explosion of the American Maine was not one of the causes of war between America and Spain through the Americans wanted to make it the cause. It did not play an important role in the war, as the main reason was the Americans helping the Cubans gain independence from Spain.

Describe the Spanish-American War. How long did it last and how many casualties were there? What was one of the most important battles? Who was involved and what happened to him?

It was in February 1895 when Cuba struggled to get their freedom from Spain. This led to a conflict between the two countries and it was harmful to the investments of the US in Cuba. The U.S Congress promised the Cubans to help them gain their independence especially after some Cubans with Americans citizenship being arrested by the authorities of the Spanish after joining the rebellion. The Spanish-American War started in 1898 as an intervention measure of the US for Cuba and lasted for 3 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days as it was from 21st April 1898 to 13th August 1898. There were 379 casualties 2h0were US soldiers. The most important battles were the battle in the Philippines at the Manila Bay, which was led by Admiral George Dewey. The second was the battle in Cuba on San Juan Hill and was directed by Theodore Roosevelt. President William McKinley was involved in leading America to victory during their war with the Spanish; however, he was assassinated in 1901.

Describe the Battle of Manila Bay. How does it explain the purpose of the Spanish-American War?

The battle in the Manilla Bay started when George Dewey, U.S Asiatic Squadron, who was under Commodore, was ordered to Hong Kong and placed on alert to destroy or rather capture the fleets of the Spanish that were in the waters of the Philippine. With four protected cruisers from the fleets of Dewey, he gathered them in Mirs Bay, in the northeastern side of Hong Kong, and later arrived in the Philippines, off Luzon on April 30, 1889. The Spanish fleet was organized on the eastern side of Cavite led by Patricio Montojo, a Spanish Admin. On that evening, the of arrival the American cruise Dewey went through a channel to Manilla Bay, Boca Grande, to avoid the batteries of the Spanish so that he could spy. However, when he passed an Island known as El Fraile, he was shot at, batteries shelled at him in Cavite, and that is how he sighted the fleets of the Spanish. He ordered the dismissal of his supply ships on that side of the bay and the others were to be 366 meters away from each other. It was around 5:50 AM that command to the captain of USS Olympia was ordered by Dewey to fire when he was ready. By this time, they were 5000 meters away from the Spanish force. Dewey withdrew at 7:35 AM for his men to take breakfast, resumed at 11:16 AM, and took hold of the Cavite since by then the Spanish fleets were all down to flames. The main purpose of this war was to take hold of Manilla.

What territories did the US acquire at the end of the Spanish-American War? How did they help the US expand its power globally? What was the Platt Amendment?

The territories acquired by the U.S were Puerto Rico, Guam as well as the Philippines. When America took hold of these three territories, they became an empire and had great power over all nations globally. The Platt Amendment was an agreement that Cuba had permitted the Americans to lease the Guantanamo Bay and to give diplomatic, military, and economic intervention.

What happened in the Philippines after it became clear that the US intended to control the islands?

In this case, the Filipinos started being rebellious against the US, and war broke between the two for two years and in 1901, the United States won and took hold of the Philippine as their territory.

What was the purpose and effect of the Foraker Act? What was Puerto Rico’s ultimate fate? What were the Insular Cases? How did Hawaii’s fate differ?

The Foraker Act was for establishing the civilian government on Puerto Rico Island as well as making its people be American citizens. With this, Puerto Rico became a United States possession. The Insular Cases were opinions made in 1901 by the U.S Supreme Court that included the status of the acquired territories during their war with the Spanish as well as the periods that followed shortly. The Hawaiian citizen opposed annexation as some evidence states as they were used to self-governance but they made a treaty with the U.S to sell sugar to their market.

Did anyone in the US at the time object to US imperialist efforts? Why? Who was one of the most important supporters of imperialism? What was his rationale?

Yes, some people opposed imperialism, as they believed it violated the rights of consent for the people. Alfred Thayer Mahan was one of the most important supporters of imperialism. He believed in the sea being associated with greatness and used history in illustrating his theories. He also insisted on the naval officer’s education should be based on history.

Ultimately, according to John Green, what was the main purpose behind US imperialism? Did it succeed in achieving that goal? Is that goal still prevalent today?

John Green argues that the main purpose of imperialism was for the European countries to acquire colonial possessions in Asian and Africa especially. The US succeeded in achieving its goal, especially during the Spanish-American war to secure Cuba. Until today, America is still known for its imperial power but the “traditional” methods of imperialism are not used much as there are modern ways that have been instrumented.




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