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An analysis of the Coalescence cascade of a drop 

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An analysis of the Coalescence cascade of a drop 


  8. CONCLUSION.. 12

References. 13











In the text below, we are going to conduct a broad overview of the context of the coalescence cascade of a drop. I a short way definition, this is when a fall is deposited gently on a surface of an individual layer of another or the same liquid, scientifically it takes more time before it sits on the surface. Instead, it takes a process before it sits on the surface. This cascade is similar to very many setups that we have observed in very many experiments. In correspondent to many liquids that sit instantly on various surfaces after being deposited to the surface for this cascade, it takes more time before it sorely settles on the surface. The cascade will, however, not proceed due to viscous effects, as the Reynolds number of the process is proportional to the square root of the drop diameter. The formula of the cascade is ts_ArD 3 / s. This cascade is very applicable and has been observed in many fluids. This is because fluids have a thick coating, and before they sit on the surface where they have been deposited, it has to take more time compared to liquids such as water. And the fluids that I am referring to are such as grease. Let me give an example of why fluids tend to take more time before they sit on the surface than the liquids. Let’s assume we have two bottles of water that are in a test tube both test tubes have different products, on the first test-tube there is water and the other test tube there is grease. If we were to drop a metallic pendulum in both liquids, the swing would not go at the same time as each product, and neither would settle at the test tube at the same time. This is because water and grease have different properties, and that is why one has to take than the other before the pendulum settles at the bottom surface of both test tubes (Thoroddsen, 2000).


In the experiment of the pendulum, the test tube with grease, the swing would take more time than that of water. This is because, in the grease fluid, it is thicker than that of water. This means that in fluids, this experiment of coalescence cascade of a drop would be more applicable than that of liquids such as water surfaces. The reason why it would take more time is that when a drop of liquid is dropped on the surface it has to take more time and this is always brought about by the air vacuum that is on the surface, and that is why it has to take time before the liquid fully settles on the surface. This experiment can also be related very closely with the immiscible liquids, and this is because immiscible liquids can take more time before they intermix. Even some cannot mix because of their properties. But in our case, we are dealing with those liquids that tend to take time before they mix. In our case, we are dealing with those liquids that take more time before they settle on the surface where they have been deposited. This experiment can also apply to those experiments that are dealing with the separation of different types of liquids. This experiment is also instrumental in solving various problems that we are also going to look into in this text. We are going to look at the multiple tests that were conducted in the past and how they can relate in recent decades.

This cascade of the water drop is a context that can be looked in very many perspectives and looking on the today’s daily today activities many activities and mostly those that deal with the scientific inventions have gone forth in applying this theory in their line of work we are going to look at the various experiments that have been conducted and how they are being put into application. We have an example that can closely relate to our theory, which is that of immiscible liquids. These two different liquids do not share the same properties can go along and rhyme with our experiment this because in our theory we are dealing with cash that has either settled on the surface or in another liquid and has to take more time before it fully ends on the liquid or the surface that it has been deposited (Thoroddsen et, al. 2007).



In our case, we have the application of two different liquids that have different properties, and this means that one of the cash before it fully settles on the other liquid, it has to take more time. This is brought out by the air vacuum that is in both liquids and of which makes them take more time before they mix or before the other liquid fully settles on the other one. We have an example where oil can be separated from water, this example is applicable in many industries, and it is being applied even in the today’s era we see very many oil refineries embracing this experiment in their work. This experiment is mainly used where we have oil being mined in the water resources, and in the process of the oil refinery, this experiment has to be applicable. This is because the oil has to be separated from the water so that oil can be retrieved. This means that because the water properties are very different than those of fat, then our experiment can be applied in this context. When the oil mixes with water, both liquids do not mix, and this is because there is an air vacuum that is created between both liquids that make them be separated for a time. Still, as both liquids take time and continue to occupy the air vacuum between them, the manufacturers have their time to separate both liquids, and that is where our experiment is applicable. This shows that this theory is instrumental in solving problems that are related to two fluids that have different properties and may take time before they separate (Aryafar, 2006).

Apart from just the example that we have just discussed, our theory is essential and also very applicable even in the other factories apart from the oil refinery sector. This shows that this experiment can be very relevant to giving people very many solutions that may solve a different problem. Another example that this experiment can be related is molten silver and lead where this calls for separation two different types of metals. These two products are not liquids; neither are they liquids. This does not mean that they cannot be separated whenever they are in a mix. It means that when they are melted at their high-end temperatures, they change their cause from reliable to liquids and their liquid form, they are not like other liquids; instead, they form fluid textures. This means that if they are immiscible, then this means that these two liquids when one settles on the other fluid, it will take more time before they decide on the additional fluid and in the time of paying before it fully ends on the other surface. This experiment shows how this theory can be instrumental in very many solutions and how it can be used to solve those problems that may associate with two liquids that are not associated or those that have different properties.

These applications of this theory have been very applicable since the origin of this theory, and this shows how these experiments that are associated with the coalescence of a drop can be very relevant in most industries. Moreover, apart from being suitable, they are being used to solve various problems that may be associated with these experiments and also the way they associate. This theory is also very efficient in these applications, and this is because these applications, by the way, behave on other surfaces and liquids that means they are used to showcase various properties and also those characteristics that these liquids can be associated with. Through help, we identify the different features and also the distinct characteristics of these liquids and even fluids that can be used to give us various scientific solutions that may also associate with the juices that have been used in this experiment (Chen, 2006).


The other part that we are going to discuss in this area is the relevance of this theory; the connection mainly implies the importance of this theory. In a general overview of this theory that we have been discussing it is a very appropriate method that can be used to solve various problems that may be associated with the issues that may be applicable in solving the issues that may relate with the properties and the different forms of liquids and fluids. One significant relevance of this theory is that it helps us to weigh the heaviness of a particular liquid. When cash is deposited on a surface, and it takes more time before it settles on the surface then this means that the money or the fluid is light and it means that the reason for the liquid or the vapour to take more time before it settles then its weight has to determine its mass. For instance, when cash is deposited on a surface, and it tends to take less time before it fully settles on the surface. Then this means that liquid or the fluid has more weight that forces it to occupy the air vacuum on the surface and makes to settle faster than those liquids or fluids that are not heavy than the cash. The same thing is also very applicable on the immiscible liquids such water and oil, when one of the liquids are deposited on the other it has to take more time before it fully settles on the other surface of the liquid which also means that the fluid that will come up that liquid is lighter than the one which ends at the bottom of the other liquids. Out such an experiment of a liquid that has to settles on the other liquid, it means that this experiment has helped us identify the different properties of both liquids that are concerning the heaviness that they both have. Out of this, they can help solve problems that may come about from these liquids. For example, in the case of water and the oil, the water goes down, and the oil goes up, which means during an industrial extraction, the oil can be retrieved very smoothly without any issues. Tin this case the experiment can also be applicable in another way which is when we have an instance of oil leakage in the sea or any water surface then that means that the water that the oil settles on its not safe for a drink this is because if the oil has settled there for a long time, then it means the water molecules and the oil molecules have already taken the gap that the air vacuum. This means that the air that was between the two liquids has been pushed away and makes both liquids a layer that has no air. This means that if there were living organisms such as fish and other animals living in the water surface, then it means they can either have to die, and this is due to the lack of air that has been blocked by the water liquid layer (Blanchette, 2006).

Apart from the theory showing us the different forms of properties and the characteristics of these liquids and fluids, the applications have also been used to open us to the different problems that may result from the mixing of these two liquids. This means that this theory has also been used to show us the various issues that may come about from these experiments. From the first case, we saw how these liquids could be used to drive out air from a particular surface. This shows that liquids and fluids can also be used in various sectors if applicable, to solve multiple problems that may also be necessary (Blanchette et al. 2009).


Besides that, we also have the significance of these experiments, theories, and even applications of this theory. To begin with, this theory is very significant that each test that is conducted from this theory brings out ne solutions that can be used to solve the problems that we face in mainly our industries; and also during the various scientific inventions. This means that this theory is very significant in a comprehensive way that when it gives a specific solution to a particular government, it also helps us to identify those problems that may come inline when we are trying to create new ideas. From our definition, we came to recognize that when a liquid is deposited on a surface or another liquid, it takes more time before it fully settles, and that is because of the air vacuum that is on both liquid and the surface that it has been deposited in. This means that this experiment can also be used to drive air in a specific surface that the air is not needed. And through our various tests, we have seen that this experiment can also be conducted between two liquids and out of these two liquids before they merge or before some of them form a solution. At the same time, others are immiscible liquids and fluids. And out of these experiments that we have conducted, we have come to realize the different properties and characteristics of these liquids and surfaces.  The significance that we begin to see that has been brought out here in this theory is that the experiment and various applications they have helped us identify the other issues that may come along with these issues (Sprittles, 2012).

Another major significance of this experiment that is found in this theory is that it helps us identify those problems that are coming about from the liquids and the fluids. It helps us to identify the solution to them. Like we have the case for the oil and the water extraction process, out of this process, we come to see that it is beneficial in identifying the various solutions that are very suitable to solve this issue. Through conducting a small experiment on the ground between water and oil, the scientists came to identify that these two liquids have different properties and also have different characteristics. Out of his two differences in features, they came to recognize that they can take in both solutions of water and oil and take them to the industry for separation. We see that through this identification, they came to identify that they can use this theory to separate both mixtures and solve the problems that they have. It is not only significant in separating the oil and the water w\during the extraction we have come to see that this experiment can also be used to solve various problems that may arise on the way whenever we have issues to do with liquids and even fluids when they are being mixed or when they are being mixed with other liquids. This theory is, however, critical because it is very significant in a comprehensive way that first can be used to solve the various problems that we have. Then after that, when finding the solutions to these problems, this experiment is also essential that also directs us to the multiple issues that come on the way of finding the answers. In other words, it is very significant to show us the problems that we may experience in the line of finding a solution (Thoroddsen et al. 2007).



The cascade coalescence of a drop is among the best scientific inventions that are being put into work in the day to day activities. This means that theory is bringing solutions that were never thought of, and that means that this theory is being used to identify a problem and then solve the problem by identifying a solution. However as the theory of cascade drop is being put into practice it is bringing some other problems that we never thought of, in other words, it is helping us to identify problems that we were not solving rather it is directing us in other cases. But this does not mean that theory is not favourable to be used in solving our problems this is because like in the example of separating oil and water we have another problem where when the liquids mix then this means that there is no place for air that is oxygen. Through this theory we come to identify that there is lack air when oil and water are mixed, this shows that this theory is bringing to us new problems that we never and it will help us to cope up with them in the future when we have such activities. The solution is that the theory helps us to identify problems, and in other words, it helps to finds solutions to the identified problems.


This theory is not only going to be used in recent times but also it has more space to grow from now and even in the future to come. This becomes this is a theory, and it has a comprehensive overview of how it can be improved to make it more descent and more significant as we conduct various experiments. This theory and the related experiments that it has along its way has a broad overview of even the way its applications are applied. This shows that this experiment also though it has already been practised in the various consents it means that it has a free more space to be looked at comprehensively, this means that this theory gives in more area to have experimented and has open space to be used in the application of the various necessities. We have also seen that as we explore the problems that are facing the different the industries and even the issues that come along the way we have seen that this problem as they are solved they further direct to other problems that we never knew could appear in the future as we conducted our works and as we tried to address the issues. This means that this theory has not yet come to an end; it means that more and more experiments that relate to this theory need to be conducted in such that they are more lenient and that they will help us to solve the various problems that come in the way. This means that in the future to go there can be multiple applications that will be very necessary for solving the issues that we never thought and with the recent technology this gives more space to this factor that there will be more space to bring in more elements that may be used in solving the problems that may come into our activities and use them concerning this experiment (Zagnoni et, al. 2009).


In conclusion, the primary critique of this experiment is not only to give us the solutions to our problems but also it has been used to showcase to us the various solutions that may come in the line of solving these issues. Apart from that, the experiment has enabled us to identify the multiple properties and characteristics of the different liquids and the solutions to this theory.












Aryafar, H., & Kavehpour, H. P. (2006). Drop coalescence through planar surfaces—physics of Fluids, 18(7), 072105.

Blanchette, F., & Bigioni, T. P. (2006). Partial coalescence of drops at liquid interfaces. Nature Physics, 2(4), 254-257.

Blanchette, F., Messio, L., & Bush, J. W. (2009). The influence of surface tension gradients on drop coalescence. Physics of Fluids, 21(7), 072107.

Sprittles, J. E., & Shikhmurzaev, Y. D. (2012). Coalescence of liquid drops: Different Chen, X., Mandre, S., & Feng, J. J. (2006). Partial coalescence between a drop and a liquid-liquid interface. Physics of Fluids, 18(5), 051705.

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Thoroddsen, S. T., Qian, B., Etoh, T. G., & Takehara, K. (2007). The initial coalescence of miscible drops. Physics of Fluids, 19(7), 072110.

Thoroddsen, S. T., & Takehara, K. (2000). The coalescence cascade of a drop. Physics of Fluids, 12(6), 1265-1267.

Zagnoni, M., Baroud, C. N., & Cooper, J. M. (2009). Electrically initiated upstream coalescence cascade of droplets in a microfluidic flow. Physical Review E, 80(4), 046303.



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